Saturday, May 31, 2008
It's official - I'm in SLR club!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Cinderella?? Not so sure about that one

Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Did I really want this?? My kids are crazy and it's been like 2 days! I know it's new and all, but they are waking up at 6 am to play computer and watch TV. By 10, they are bored already. Next week is going to be quite different. Not to their liking I'm sure. Still trying to work off the pounds I gained in Illinois. I can't believe how easy it is to gain and how HARD it is to lose, so not fair. I signed Stephen and Chelsey up for the gym today. Stephen has gone with me 2 days in a row. Poor kid. He is in that "I want to but it really sucks" stage. I remember when it didn't feel that great to sweat and have your legs aching and begging you to stop. Now I keep going until I feel that and then go a little more. Hopefully he will get their too. He has so much athletic ability, but his extra weight is really "weighing" him down. Pun intended!
All my kids are gone to do baptisms tonight. I love when they get to do stuff like that. I really need to get to the temple more. I would like to say that when we get the one closer to us I would go more often, but really 15 minutes is not that big of a deal. I just need to do it.
Have to tell a Whitley story. She came home from her last day of school totally crying. I gave her a hug and assured her she could still get together with her friends that will be attending a different high school next year. She said it wasn't her friends she was crying about, it was her teacher. Very sweet, huh. Well, let me tell you another story. When she was in 2nd grade, one of the personnel at her school was retiring. The school held a little goodbye ceremony type thing for him. She came home crying that day as well. Wanna know who was retiring? The JANITOR! So these things are no longer shocking to me, quite humorous in a sympathetic sort of way. She also had to write a whole book about herself this year and it was quite good. She is a great writer. She gets that from her mom! There were a few things I even asked if she wrote that or found it on the Internet. Nope, all her own! What a gal.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Still Working
I'm still working on a post of Gramma and the party. Trying to collect pictures to put together a slide show. Mostly this is for Windi, we missed you! As for our homecoming, it was so fun. The kids were very excited that we were home. Big hugs for all. Katy was cuter than can be. Every time she saw one of her siblings, she would point and smile and do this little dance. She had her family back! Dad took great care of them while I was gone. They did lots of grilling and he took them shopping for food a couple of times. They thought that was great since I never take them. They all said Sunday dinner was super fun. I guess I missed a good one. Sure hope there was no correlation there! They did a lot of work outside and the house was pretty clean when I got back. Last night Katy slept for 12 hours straight! I guess she needed to catch up. I'm still not unpacked, I hate that part. Summer is officially here and we are all trying to figure out what the heck we will do with each other all day long. Mom definitely needs to work out a plan. Too much free time is NOT good. It's good to be back though, Dorothy had it right when she said "There's no place like home!"
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa's House

I'm going to have to cover the last 5 days in a couple of different posts. So much to tell and I'm not sure how. I was very blessed to be able to return to my hometown in Illinois to help my Gramma B celebrate her 80th birthday. What a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Stinky Day - Woo Hoo David!
I guess you shouldn't gush about such a wonderful day. Today was not that day. If you could imagine a crazy, frustrating situation, it probably happened to me today. Definitely a day I wish I would have stayed in bed! I did however drag myself to the gym and did a record 5K for myself. I was determined to beat Glade's, but he gave me a rounded number and when I told him what I got, He actually beat me by about 25 seconds. Dang! I could have done that. Right now my legs hurt soooo bad! I ran two days in a row and wow, ouch. I was going to go again in the morning, but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to walk.
As for the finale, YEAH David Cook!! I like the other david just fine, but I really think Cook was the better, more versatile performer. I was also very happy to hear Simon apologize. He WAS disrespectful and I'm glad he could see that. They will both do great I'm sure.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ok, I've never been an idol fan. This is the first year I have ever watched an entire episode. I still don't love watching all the performances, mostly just the results. However, I have taken a liking to both Davids. I thought tonight was heartbreaking. They both did so well and my heart just went out to David Cook. How awful for him. I know Simon is always the mean one, but come on. It's the last performance of the season and he just beat him down one song after another. I can't imagine what he must have been like back stage. I wouldn't even want to come back tomorrow. I loved all his songs and I think Simon is a jerk for being so negative on this last night. Even if he thought it, he should have just let him ride out on a shining star, he deserves that. I don't even care who wins. I think David Cook should, he would have a better career. David Archuleta is cute and sincere and has an amazing voice, I just don't see him as a "star". Maybe he will put out a great Christmas Cd or something. There, my view on the final night. You rock David Cook so don't let Simon get you down!
Three times??
Wow, third post in a day! It's been a great baby day. I guess more could be great if you keep the right mindset. Here is my 3rd cute baby happening today. I was sitting watching Idol, more on that later, and I heard belly laughing coming from my two little ones. They were in the tub together so I was a little nervous to go see what was so amusing. This -
slip and slide
What a day. I should stay home more often! I was having a lovely conversation with a very good friend and not paying nearly enough attention to my babies. I heard crying and decided maybe I should check on them. I had given them each a sippy cup of water. When I got to the hallway, I found an indoor slip and slide. According to Bo, Katy was throwing her cup. If any of you know my hallway, it is very long. There was water the entire length of my hall. Both kids were soaking wet and Katy was crying because the water was COLD. Bo had gotten it from the water dispenser. The good news, both kids are now pretty clean and so is my floor! Sorry no pictures, wasn't thinking.
While sitting at the computer trying to print out some things for Katy's scrap book, I looked over at Bo and saw him intently rubbing his eyebrow. He was doing it ever so softly, but he was very focused. I figured he had crusted cereal in it or something. He left and went into my bathroom where I assumed he was picking it off. Wrong. This is what was next:
"Hey Mom!"
"What Boldon."
"I have eyebrows!"
Monday, May 19, 2008
Movie Star Husband
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday Morning
What a good morning so far. Slept in until I wanted to get up which was still 7:15, but I was ready. Got breakfast ready with the help of all but 2 of my children. 3 if you include Katy. I love when everyone wants to do something and they all work together, makes for a very happy meal! The 2 that stayed in bed until breakfast got to do dishes. Guess what?? Neither one complained, they just worked together and got it done. Amazing! The rest of us sorted laundry and now everyone is just hanging out being nice. I think I might be in the twilight zone.
This weekend has been productive. Friday, my mom and I with the babies drove to phoenix to get the birth certificate and it only took like 20 minutes total in the office. I was so pleasantly surprised and relieved. Now I have every one's everything. Whew! We went to lunch after and then to the mall. Woo Hoo the mall! We didn't have a long time to shop, but a little. My babies were so good. Katy slept in the car and then was happy every where we went and Bo is just always good. They got to play in the play place for a little while, that's their reward. Didn't have much of a date night, too many people to take places. We just went to dinner and then home.
Saturday, we all got up early and worked out in the yard which desperately needed it. The boys did all the grass cutting and weed eating, digging and fixing. It looks great. Whitley and I sprayed down the whole front of the house and cleaned the porch and railings. It looked really nice. After all the hard work, the kids and I headed out to the movies. The big ones saw the new Narnia movie and Bo and I saw Horton again. That was tortuous. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep once. They all seemed to like the movie and it's always fun to get out and go do something different. Did I mention, they all paid for themselves! After the movie, I had a quick nap and then Glade and I headed out for date night. The kids were really good while we were gone and that makes it really nice to come home. Again, twilight zone?
Getting really excited about going to Illinois THIS WEEK! I'm already missing Bo though. I wish I could take him with me. It will be weird without him. He, Katy and I are kind of a threesome.
I'm sure he will be fine.
You shouldn't try to catch up a whole weekend in one post, way too long!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday weigh in
Another Friday, another 2 lbs! I was shocked, the scale didn't seem to move much this week and then I woke up today and wham, there it was! I really, really, really wanted 3, but I will sooo not complain. I still have 1 more lb to hit my first IL goal. I'm pretty sure I can do it. Yesterday while at the gym, I started running and felt like I was gonna puke. That worried me cuz I had barely started. I'm actually happy to say that I still feel like I could puke today. That means it had nothing to do with my working out. Unfortunately, I have to drive to Phoenix today to get Katy's birth certificate so I can take her on the plane with me next week. Why do I procrastinate these things? Anyway, This time next week, I'll be high in the sky!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Pretty good day. Had a good day at the gym, burned 700 cal in about an hour. Glade was with me the whole time and that made it more fun. After, we went to lunch. I like him. Rating equally invigorating is a nice hot shower after a nice good sweat. Had a nice nap after sorting 250 pictures. That's about as caught up as I get with my scrap booking. Got the kids settled after school and went to get my nails done. I took the book I got for mother's day to read while I was getting my toes done. Guess what it said! It said I should "take a break" "get your nails done" "have lots of naps" "buy cute new clothes" and "exercise". I like this book more and more. To top it all off, that's all for your husband! I'm doing pretty good a long those lines. The girl did a really great job on my pedicure. Sometimes they totally hurt you with their "massage". She was very gentle and worked my feet a lot. Some of them do your legs mostly and that doesn't feel nearly as good as the feet. I don't think I will like my fingernails though. My regular guy went back to Vietnam until September! What will I do? Anyway, feels good to have fresh nails.
Today I decided to list the reasons I love Bo so here some of them are:
-He is sooo cute
-He won't go to bed until he brushes his teeth
-He refers to our house as our HOME
-He calls me mother most of the time
-When I ask him to do something he says "of course!" just like I say to him
-He has this funny idea that only some songs fit the category of "big boy" songs
-He refers to Katy as his friend
-He takes a nap right next to me and always says "I love you" before he goes to sleep
-He can clean his whole room by himself and likes it
-He totally loves the mall!
-He still believes milk will make you strong
-There isn't a better smile in the world
-He gets excited every time we drive by the church
-He insists on wiping his "nu nu" every time he pees
-When you ask him who loves him he says "Mommy!!!"
I really think 2 and 3 are the best ages!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
80's Rock
After some strong arming and a phone call to dad, Chelsey finally put her clothes on. The tears started with the hair and she just couldn't stop from there. We walked in and Becca was dressed exactly like her. She cried some more and Becca gave her a hug and told her she was cute. As they pulled away from each other, Becca's hair got caught in Chelsey's big earrings..that changed her mood a little. Whitley had a great time with all of it. We even cut her some long bangs so we could poof them out. She straightened my hair while I went through my senior yearbook. I showed her all the big hair. We played some fun games and giggled a lot. It turned out to be a good night, just a rough start. That's Chels for ya. The other girls were adorable. I wish we would have taken a group picture cuz there were some really great 80's stuff there. Our cousin Stacey took my girls and hers out for ice cream after so it ended with a bang. I love my girls!
Yeah for Rain!
I have LOVED today! It has even thundered a few times. Besides my family, that is what I have missed most about the Midwest. The rain. Even a cloudy day with just a hint of that smell (dirt) that represents rain is so wonderful. In the Midwest, "that smell" is worms. It's a totally different smell than here.
Yesterday was mostly good, had a great day at the gym. It felt so good to sweat again. I even ran for a while at an incline. My legs felt like they were going to fall off! It's fun to see what you are capable of doing. All my boys got haircuts, whew, it was gettin bad!
We had family home evening and everyone went to bed without a fuss.
Today I had an appointment in Phoenix so no gym for me. My mom watched my kids for me. When I returned, Bo was in the bathroom and had just had an "accident". He never does that anymore so I didn't pack him extra underwear. We happened to have an extra pair of shorts though. I told him he just had to wear them. He put them on and kept saying "But I'm naked in my pants!" Aren't we all?
Tonight for mutual, the girls are having a mix-up night where they are supposed to dress me up like they would dress today and I get to dress them up like I would have when I was their age. I will definitely have pictures of this one! I bet I can make Chelsey cry. She isn't very good at looking silly. Speaking of Chelsey, she made the performance troupe and Whitley and Rhett did not. They handled it pretty well, but I was disappointed. They only chose 10 kids Rhett's age and 12 of Whitley's. Over 70 tried out. Oh well, they are both looking forward to Jungle Book try outs this fall.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
A Very Happy Mother's Day
Today was a really nice mother's day for me. We had games night last night and while I was gone, the kids cleaned most of the house and put all their laundry away. That was a great surprise. We were up pretty early, the kids are always excited for me to see my goodies. We had breakfast and then I got to open all my gifts. Long list short: paper flowers, a picture frame, a decorated tile, some very cute cards, a written on paper plate (last minute idea), a very pretty necklace and a book entitled "Strangling your husband is not an option".
It was a pretty peaceful morning, we were a little late and didn't get our bench at church, had to sit wayyyy in the back, yuck! Glade led the music today and during the very first song, Katy grabbed my new necklace and broke it. Chelsey was about that age when I stopped wearing necklaces for that very reason. I think I can get a new chain, but that was really stinky. I was already grouchy about the bench thing. The primary kids went up to sing 3 songs about mother's. Brooklyn elbowed her way right to front and center which happens to be right in front of the microphone. The first song she did fine, then the second she started standing on her tiptoes and tipping her head up towards the microphone. By the third song, she had pulled the microphone right down to her mouth and was basically having her own little solo. We were laughing so hard, partially out of embarrassment since every one else was pointing and laughing as well and partly because it was just plain funny. We composed ourselves by the time she came back and told her how inappropriate that was.
The rest of the day has been very uneventful. Had a little nap, got dinner ready for the family and just enjoyed the rest of the day.
Glade has been really sweet and makes me feel really twitterpated all over again. He's great. He went out to do irrigation today and something got in his eye and it swelled up really bad. He looked like Quasi Moto all day. Poor thing. It's getting better now. I wish I would have taken a picture!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention before that I finished the Hinckley Challenge. I am officially a "warrior". woohoo! We were supposed to finish reading the book of mormon by may 10, that would be 97 days. That was chosen because Pres. Hinckley was 97 when he died. I finished Friday night while the girls were all here. One day early!
Can't wait to get back on my exercise and dieting. I had a terrible week, but I think I'm over it. I'm ready to get down and sweaty again!
Lastly, just want to say what great Moms I have. Really and truly they are all wonderful in their own capacity. All very different and all very special. We are a very blessed family to have so much love in so many directions. Love you all!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Girls Night
In reading every one's "girls night" stories, I have to say, I'm a little jealous. I took a different route this year and I think it was a good thing, just not the same. I let each of my girls invite 2 or 3 friends over for a sleepover. Sleepovers aren't that great at our house because there are so many extra people. I thought it would be fun for the girls to have the whole house without any stinky brothers. We ended up with 12 of us girls here. Only 2 ended up spending the night which was actually kind of nice. We ordered in pizza and had soda and munchies. It was really very quiet most of the evening. Each group found their own spot and kinda did their own thing. Katy and I just hung out downstairs.
So whereas my girls and I had no big bonding moments, they got to enjoy their friends in a way they don't normally get to. I think it was a good decision.
I woke up today determined to get straight to the gym, but got caught up scrap booking. I have one page left for my grandma's book. I did manage to get to the store to buy a new pair of jeans. Mine are almost so big I can't keep them up. I don't want to replace too many since I plan on continuing to lose, but I needed at least a couple I could wear. Kind of exciting. I'm going to try to get to the gym this afternoon. I have to take my kids to this performance group tryout. I hope they do well, I think it will be fun for them.
My boys aren't home yet from Father's and Son's. I'm sure they had a great time. Bo was so cute. He had no idea where he was going. When I told him we need to put some clothes in his backpack, he started stripping right there. As he was leaving, I told him to remind Daddy to put sun screen on him when he woke up. He dropped his bag and slumped his shoulders and cried "I don't want to take a nap!" He just didn't get that he would be sleeping up there. I love my boys. It's fun to watch them all pile in. They insist on taking very little. I keep trying to convince them "just in case" but they don't buy it. I'm anxious to hear from them. There's always at least one that "accidentally" "falls" into the creek. I have come a long way from the first time Glade took Stephen. I cried for an hour sure that I would never see him again. He talked about that trip for years!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Friday weigh in
Well, not as exciting as I would have hoped, but still 1 lb. I guess I should expect that when you only go to the gym 3 times and eat a bunch of mac and cheese. A Better week next time.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
And the winner goes to...
Well, I know sometimes things are redundant and this may be one of them, however.....Tonight Chelsey had a choir concert. She had a solo, her first, in which she did really well. Her voice wasn't shaky at all. After they performed, they gave out a couple of awards. These were awards voted on by the members of the choir. They gave a "spirit" award to one of her good friends, then they gave an award for "outstanding choral" student and guess who won that....Chelsey! I was so excited for her. Everytime she has been involved in a performance where they hand out awards, she gets one. When she won in orchestra, it was actually quite humorous. The director went into the praising of this student who was the prime example of a dedicated, hard working, talented musician. Yep, Chelsey. The funny part was when we were leaving and she said "I don't even bring my instrument home!" She never practiced. Life should be that easy for all of us. Oh yeah, she also got elected as fundraising chairman for NHS. She just continues to amaze me.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Don't feel too bad for her, she had her turn on top!
Not much to report these days. I have been so grouchy I haven't done much. These last days I have wanted to eat everything in front of me. Normally that wouldn't be too hard, but when you go stand in front of the pantry, that's a lot of options! I stayed in control yesterday, instead of eating I did an arm workout while watching the price is right. Sore today. I tried a turkey burger last night and was not that impressed. I thought it would cure my craving for some greasy red meat. It didn't. I just ate more chocolate. Still doing OK on my points, but it's hard right now.
Last night I woke up at 2 am and could not go back to sleep. Shoulda called Heather! I was up till almost 4:30. Had to be up by 6 because in some delusional state I made dentist appts for my kids at 7 am this morning. Why would I do that? Anyway, had to get up. No cavities, that was good. Rhett had to get two ing baby teeth pulled, he wasn't too happy about that. Walked in to school with 2 bloody gauze pads hanging out of his mouth. Poor thing.
Got home and was gonna change for the gym, but just couldn't get myself there. I took off my pants and made some mac and cheese instead. That's a little counter productive, but hey, what the heck. Maybe I can get there this afternoon after a looooong nap.
Chelsey has a 4.0 awards ceremony tonight and bless her heart, she doesn't want to go! YEAH! One more parade I don't have to sit through.
Doing Activity Days today, working on some Mother's Day gifts. I bring that up because yesterday when I went to Michael's to get some stuff, I bought A LOT of little scrap booking things. I can't wait to get started on Katy's. I haven't done any of hers because she is my last baby I get to scrapbook and I wanted it to be super cute. Now I think I can start!
Monday, May 5, 2008
a Good Sunday
Yesterday was a pretty good day. Fast Sunday is always a challenge for me. I can not eat, but the drinking is hard. Not to mention I haven't done it for most of my married years (babies). I felt like I got a lot of direct instruction during church. I guess that's what fasting and praying is for, it works! Had the family over for dinner, I ate my whole days points in one meal! It's those dang rolls, I'm a sucker for bread. I'm still down though. Today I went to the gym and tried a few different machines to change up my routine. Instead of going by time like usual, I went by calories burned. When I hit 500, I quit! I sweated like crazy. I used to get a little misty when I worked out, but now that I'm REALLY working out, I drip sweat. It feels really good. Killer on my hair though.
The school year is winding down and I feel like every night is booked with some kind of awards ceremony or concert or recognition something. I'm all about praise and positive affirmation but sheesh. Only 3 weeks left!
Stephen had his first babysitting job this weekend. Thanks Gena! He has wanted to for so long. Whitley went with him for a little training. She said he did pretty well. Everyone was alive so I guess that's good.
A few of my kids are trying out for this performance troupe this weekend. It's a year long commitment. I'm torn on whether or not I want to make it! It will be really fun for them. I hope Rhett makes it. He really sings well and I think it would be good for him.
The girls had a great time on their overnighter this weekend. Chelsey rode home with the Bishop and his wife. She said they were so fun and the bishop is actually a really funny guy! Whitley got the scenic view trip home and still loved every minute. This weekend is fathers and sons so us girls will have to find something exciting to do. I'm sure that won't be a problem!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
A mile and a half
I just ran a mile and a half without stopping! No laughing, that is a huge accomplishment for me. I usually do one lap then walk then another. Today I ate too many cookies, so when I went to the gym I decided to work a little harder. My goal was 2 laps without stopping. When I hit that, I thought, just one more. Then I was too close to a mile to not try for that. When I hit that, I thought , I could go more. When I hit a mile and a half, I figured I could probably go more, but I was pretty done. Very excited I might add! I walked a few, then ran another half mile for a total of 2 miles running. When I was done on the treadmill, I tried the rowing, courtesy of Heather. I did 10 minutes there and decided to stop. I was feeling like I could go forever, but logic took over and said to me "you are probably going to need a wheelchair tomorrow". That may very well be true, but it felt great today!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Strange Week
I have been really emotional this week and I don't know why, well, I could guess. Anyway, I have been so grouchy and irritable with my kids. I have end of the year blues. I'm tired of waking up, doing homework, packing lunches, going to programs, signing agendas, all of it. My kids are getting really lax as well. I feel like I'm always running something somewhere that was forgotten. I'm sure the price of gas doesn't help with that irritation. I had a money mix up at Costco that was totally not my fault, but in trying to be nice, I ended up crying at the Customer Service desk in front of everyone. Embarrassing! That same day I found out that a friend of a friend's 4 year old died that morning. Some crazy virus took over his brain and killed him in less than 48 hrs. How sad. I'm thinking I just needed a really good cry.
another weigh in
Hip Hip Hooray, another 3 lbs! Did step class again today, I wasn't as sore as I thought I was gonna be last time so lets hope it works the same this time. Locked my keys and my cell phone in the car though. Bo could all most reach the lock from the cracked window, but not quite. Had to go in and call Glade to come rescue me. He said he just reached in the window and unlocked it. I must have been at a wierd angle, cuz I tried and wasn't even close! Thanks honey!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Track is Over
Well, track season is over and actually, I'm not that sad about it. I hardly ever saw her anymore. I loved that she had something she was passionate about and that was so good for her though. Just wanted to post a few pictures of her pole vaulting. She is determined to be on varsity next year, she was so close!