Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two more days down


After three trips to the ortho in a week, Rhett finally has all his braces and we don't have to go back for 6 weeks. This week has some good sales so I spent the morning grocery store hopping. I love stocking up! Today my hamstrings are super sore, I have never had that before so I'm so curious what I did different on my run Monday. I'm so not feeling ready for 13 miles. Got the laundry finished (as much as finished ever is) and cut the rest of my coupons. I'm officially done couponing till after summer.

Being crazy Tuesday and all, I spent most of the afternoon driving kids here and there. Dalin had his last meeting with the Bears since Thursday he will turn 10 and become a Webelos. Rhett and Brooklyn had their last cross country practice because tomorrow is their last meet. I'm so excited to see how Rhett does. Hopefully he will come away with a metal. Neither one of the big boys had mutual because they have softball tomorrow. I went to our Mutual with Whitley where we did speed dating with another ward. It was a fun night and I think they all came away with a new friend or two. By the time I got home, I was way ready for bed. I tried to watch BL but couldn't keep my eyes open. Last night sleeping alone and I think I did a pretty good job!

Wednesday (today)

Mornings have been rough lately, my fault I'm sure. I should get up earlier. And I probably shouldn't wait until they are walking out the door to start doing Dalin's party invitations that need to go out that day. Spent this morning getting all my "stock up" stuff in order. Finding space is always hard. I got it done though and that's a relief. My visiting teachers came and gave me a nice rest to sit and chat. I managed to watch the rest of the BL and get my laundry put away. Another relief. Still in my jammies and loving it. Today is the track meet and I have been a little frantic because I lost the charger to my camera. It's been dead since Christmas. I ordered one online over two weeks ago and it's still not here..grrr. This morning I decided to see what was in this basket over in the corner and lo and cord!! Now I guess I'll just have an extra, but what a blessing. I was so afraid of missing the meet and Dalin and Katy's birthdays that are just around the corner. So far a great day!

Listening to a conversation in the background..

Bo: are you done pooping katy?
Katy: it's PRINCESS katy.
Bo: But are you done yet?
Katy I said it's PRINCESS katy!!
Bo: I know, hurry and come play.
Katy: say PRINCESS katy!!!

1 comment:

Jake and Jenny said...

I did the coupon shoppping too! But I am far from done, I still have some stocking up to do. Fun Stuff!