Monday, January 31, 2011


Saturday night we had games night with our friends and didn't get home till pretty late. Sunday morning came around and at 8 am, all children were still sleeping. That NEVER happens. About 8:30 I decided to get up and get breakfast started. A few started coming around, but mostly it was quiet. We had french toast and eggs for breakfast, got things cleared up and started getting ready for church. The morning went really smoothly.

It was ward conference at church so we got to hear from our Stake leaders, which I always love. Sunday school was even really good ( I can't always say that) and YW was awesome! It really was about a perfect day at church. After, I stayed to help the new Cubmaster find some scout stuff and didn't get home till 3:45. I got the chicken noodle soup going and headed out for our drive-bys.

We have started a fairly new thing where the leaders drive by each girls house, sit with them in their car for a few minutes and talk with them about their personal progress and goals. This was my first time so I was a little nervous about how it all worked. One of the girls on my list is one I have struggled with and wondered how we were going to get along. She had mentioned she wouldn't be home, but I had a feeling she would be, so I went anyway. I can't give details obviously, but what an amazing visit. She was home and very open with me about her life and in the end, we cried and hugged and I told her I loved her. I'm hoping a door has been opened and good things will happen from here.

After all my wonderful visits, I rushed home to finish dinner and greet family. It was a great night of yummy food, fun games and great family. I really am blessed in that area. I was really pooped from two long days in a row so I went to bed really early. It was great to lay in bed and revisit all the great things that went on this weekend.

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