Sunday, January 30, 2011

Half Marathon....check!

The day came and I was well rested and sick to my stomach. Literally, I was very afraid of heading out on that course. For two days my tummy had been very gurgly and not very happy. Don't know if it was nerves or something real. I'm grateful that it went away long enough for me to get through the run, but was right back that night.

My official time was 2:16. I would have liked to hit 2:11 but that would have been the best I think I could have done. I felt really good most of the race and actually ran the whole thing. That, in and of itself, is a huge accomplishment. I had the normal aches and pains and glitches that come and go but mostly I felt really good. About mile 10 I started getting a really bad cramp in my foot. Normally they pass or go numb, but this just kept getting worse. Eventually the pain went up my leg and my foot started to feel like it was burning. Right after 11 miles I decided to stop and try to stretch it for a second to see if I could make it go away. Nope, started right back up again. I had serious concerns of how I was going to finish at this rate. My run had turned into a bit of a gimp. I certainly wasn't quitting with just over a mile left, but it really hurt. At mile 12 there was a water station. I decided to walk just long enough to drink the water (instead of dumping it all over me when I tried to drink while still running) and say a prayer and then headed out again. It still hurt, but I only had one mile left so I sucked it up and picked up my pace again. It felt better, but not good, but not debilitating either, so I was grateful. I was so happy to see that big balloon arch waiting for me. I did it, I didn't quit and I was so happy I didn't let my doubts get the best of me. I tend to do that.

I had lunch with a friend who also ran and then went home to shower and rest. Today I feel pretty good. My thighs are a little tight but not bad at all. I'm so happy to have it behind me. Now I can be happy with 5 or 7 mile runs and not feel like I should be doing 9 or 10. Next stop....Ragnar!!


Tammy said...

Congratulations! I knew you could do it!

Tina said...

So proud of you Laurie. Such determination and strength! An inspiration for sure.

Heather said...

even the 7 mile runs scare me. What a great accomplishment.