Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things that sting in the night

Some days are better than others. Today wasn't so bad other than my awful run. I went to bed early, not feeling that well. By two am I was awake and of course my brain starts going crazy. I toss and turn and try to relax and about 3:30 I'm thinking I might actually be able to go back to sleep. That's when I hear the pitter patter of little feet. Katy comes in and says her finger hurts. I can't see anything, so I tell her to get in. She climbs over me and snuggles in on my shoulder. At this point I'm thinking "it's good to be a mom". Then...ouch!! Scorpion sting. Right in the crook of my elbow, maybe even right into my vein. I jump up and turn on the light waking Glade and scaring Katy. We can't find it anywhere in the bed. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did in my foot, but it's definitely uncomfortable and my hand is starting to tingle even as I type. I hope that's not what happened to her finger and then she brought it into our bed with her. She wasn't crying or anything, but it would make sense. Even if it was a spider of some kind and it had crawled up her arm and then got me when she laid down. I don't know of a spider bite that feels like this though. Anyway, makes for a sucky night.


Tammy said...

Ouch! oh that does suck! I'm so sorry!

Leslie said...

Did you live? Is she okay?

Heather said...

Ouch. Feel better.