Monday, January 10, 2011

Call me Prudie

I guess I've gotten old and picky and intolerant. I've taken a liking to reading books. I've stuck mostly with church related books because I feel like if I'm going to spend the time doing "nothing", at least I should be uplifted and come out a better person for it. I have read a few other books, but mostly by Christian authors. The first secular book I read was My Sister's Keeper. I loved the movie, but the book had tons of swearing and other things I didn't need in my head. I never finished it.

For Christmas Glade bought me To the Rescue: Biography of President Monson. I have loved reading it. Then for our anniversary, he bought me a regular book that was on the list of "best books" called Firefly Lane. I was a little apprehensive, but it was toted as a sort of Beaches type story so I thought I would just give it a try. I read the first three chapters and experienced every swear word there is. Because of the type of story they were setting up, I thought it might get better. I decided I would give it one more chapter. It was clear of any language unless you consider the somewhat detailed experience of her first sexual experience which was a date rape. *sigh* Is this what people enjoy reading?? I'm done. I'm even tempted to take it back to the store. I enjoy a nice love story, even a little scandal or suspense, but seriously, why would I want to have my thoughts about those kinds of things? I'll go back to being old and picky and intolerant. What I'll also say is that I will wear the tag "Prudie" with honor.

A clean mind = a pure heart.


Dacia said...

I'm with you! Take the book back, and get something you will enjoy!

Jake and Jenny said...

I agree! I stick with the Christian section at the library, and havent had a problem. I love to read too!