Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yeah to Michelle and to a new Season

I was so excited to see Michelle win although I really wanted Bob to have a winning season. I was glad Vicky wasn't even really a contender. I was a little sad to see Amy not win, I loved her and Phil and they both looked......undescribable! Heba really looked good too. I think they all did great and it was very inspiring, as I lay on my bed I was most excited to hear that a new season was about to start. If I can get through the holidays and get back on the wagon, I'm hoping to shed this last chunk of weight.

On a note of the holidays, I was reading our book this morning and was touched by a little story in there. Sorry if anyone has missed my daily inspirationals, kind of got a little busy! But today's was about Simplicity. One little part talked about a group of women talking about the stress of Christmas and how we women bear most of the burden. Sister Hinckley spoke up and stated her love for Christmas and that while she shopped and cooked and served, she kept in mind the smiling faces of those receiving the gifts and the family she was so blessed to dine with and those whose gratitude for her service would be unmeasurable. She said "Christmas is a joyous time!". I think we do it to ourselves. If we keep in mind the Spirit of it and keep it simple, we as well as our families will have a much happier, stress-free holiday. Busy with a purpose!


Kristine said...

I was also excited to see Michelle win! Thanks for the note on Simplicity...good to remember! See you soon!

Heather said...

I taped it and haven't watched it yet, but now I don't have to. Thanks giving me back an hour of my life. Really thanks.

I love Sis Hinckley.