Sunday, December 7, 2008

Little Sister Syndrome

Poor Whitley. That is how it seems to be lately. Growing up in the "shadow" of a very active and dominant older sister. From time to time, Whitley gets into a rut of how unfair everything is and how Chelsey gets everything. Occasionally we just remind her that she is not yet 16 and is doing all the same things her sister was doing at 14. Saturday I decided to take Whitley with me to run some errands (shopping) and take her to lunch. She had written a sarcastic little note and had a brief and very mild tantrum earlier in the week. Glade thinks I cater to her but it makes me sad to see such a great girl with so much to offer feel like she is being neglected. I took the opportunity at lunch to talk to her about all this. I think logically she can see what we are saying is true, but I guess it still just feels crappy sometimes being the younger sister. I just hope she doesn't spend too much time feeling sorry so she misses all the great things she has going on right now. It was at least nice to spend some time with her alone.

Later that night we had our Christmas party at church. I really didn't want to go, but we did. They asked us to dress up as in the times of Jesus. I had made some really simple costumes a few years back so we pulled them out and put them on. The kids were pretty cute. The party was OK. I can't complain if I don't have a solution. There just isn't ever enough to keep the kids from getting out of control. We tried really hard to keep ours contained at a table in the corner, but how much fun is that? The dinner was good and the activities they planned were nice, just a stressful event. We ended up leaving early much to the delight of most of my children.

Today was fast Sunday. Testimony meeting was good. We played Christmas games in my primary class and that went pretty well. During class, I heard a child screaming in the hall. "I want my Mommy!!" It was Bo. Not like him at all. I went out to see what happened. They were taking all the kids from nursery into the primary room for singing time. This was the first week they had done it and he wasn't going to have any part of it. I took him in and showed him all the friends he had in there, including Dalin. Once he saw what was going on and that all the kids he knew and played with were there, he settled down and enjoyed the rest of it. Crazy kid. I have never had a kid so "afraid" of things as he is. This is a new experience for me.

Tonight we are going to the Smith's for Sunday dinner. This will be our last Sunday dinner for a few weeks seeing as how we will be in NEW YORK next Sunday! If you can't tell, I'm really excited about that. Things are pulling together, but this week will be a little nerve wracking as I do all the last minute preparing. I hope it's all I have dreamed it would be. After dinner I think we will go see the Temple lights. Christmas seems to be coming fast and furious!


Kristine said...

I know exactly what you are talking about with Whitley. Thanks for sharing your experience. We seem to go in waves at our house of someone feeling like someone else gets to do more...etc. I also TOTALLY agree with you about Ward Christmas Parties, especially when my kids were little, they were torture! I enjoy them much more now, and am so glad I am not in charge!

Leslie said...

Poor Whitley. I have the same issues with Kaisa. *sigh* DITTO on the Christmas Parties. Fortunately for the last four (five?) years I've had a loud vote as to whether we do a family party or an adult dinner and a family breakfast...and I've "won" every time. I love having a dinner where you can actually sit and talk to the other adults, and the breakfast with the kids goes really fast. My two cents on a "solution."
I'm so excited for you to go to NY. I wish I was coming, too!