Saturday, December 6, 2008


So Chelsey has had a non stop, go go go week. Between her performance group and the dance concert and all it required, she has been gone every night till fairly late. When she got home Thursday night around 10:30, she asked if she could skip school the next day. I agreed. She gets mostly A's. I really thought she would get up anyway and go, she is kind of like that. But she didn't. She slept till 10:30 am before I drug her out of bed. I wanted to go pick up Whitley and take them to lunch. I knew Whitley had early lunch so I wanted to go get her before she ate. When I told Chelsey, she informed me Whitley had already eaten lunch. She has lunch at 9:50 am! That is insane! So I decided we would wait till she got done with Seminary, then go get her and I was pretty sure she would still have room for Taco Bell.
We went and picked up Bo from the Johnson's (thanks Jenni) and headed to do a little shopping before we got Whitley. We got to her school about 10 minutes after her next class had started. When she came out, very confused, I reminded her about our "appointment" with Taco Bell. She was very grateful because the class she was in had a really mean sub and she totally was dreading it! Funny thing... One of the kids stood at the door and encouraged everyone to ditch since the nasty sub was back. Whitley said NO and went in anyway. Wouldn't that have been crazy if she had decided to ditch on the day her mom came to take her to lunch?? Good lesson there.
Glade didn't approve of me letting them out of school. I understand where he is coming from. It is such a rare thing and they both are very responsible and do well in school. I don't think an occasional treat is too bad. We had a good day together.


Heather said...

I think you are a fun mom. You should do those things once in awhile. BTW Chelsey did great last night in the play.

Lulu said...

Oh you ARE such a good mom. My mom used to do those kinds of hings with us at that age. It helped us be good too- knowing we were allowing some 'breathing room'.

Kristine said...

I am with you! I don't think it hurts to have a "sanity" day every once in a while and I bet you that years from now that this will be a memory that you will share with fondness. Life is too short to stress too much!