Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm Actually Done!

Last night I left the house around 5 pm and told my kids I wouldn't be back till I was completely done with Christmas stuff. When they know I'm getting them stuff, they are very willing to cooperate. Whitley took charge of dinner and Chelsey helped with clean up and the house looked really good when I got back.

I had a very random list of last minute things all at different places. I just needed to go by myself and fly through it. Found everything I was looking for, plus some. I hate that! I hit Toys R Us, then the mall, then Target. The whole time I was gone, my phone kept ringing with people trying to figure out what was going on with our Secret Santa thing that our family does. I went through Target without a cart and on the phone the whole time. By the time I got to the counter with an armful of stuff, I wasn't even sure what I had or if I had gotten what I came for! I didn't do too bad. Now it was 7:30 and I was starving and my throat was hurting. My mom happened to be in the same vicinity as me so we met for some dinner. We went to a little place that is always empty as it was then and just sat for over an hour. It was a really nice break. I like my mom. I still had one more stop to make but just didn't want to. But I did. I rolled into the driveway about 10 pm. Whereas I was so tired, not grouchy, it felt so good to have everything. Including food for holiday dinners. Whew!

This morning I convinced myself to go to the gym. I have Bunko tonight and knew I would need to burn a few more calories. I went in with the intent to run 6 miles. I started out really strong, but after the first 3, I had convinced myself to only do 4. Then I thought, Just stop at an hour. As I hit those marks, I was able to urge myself on to "OK, maybe 5 miles today" or "Just till I hit 600 calories". Every time I hit a mark, it seemed too far to give up now. Once you hit 5, it's only 4 more laps. I made it the whole way and with a decent time, not great, but better than some other times I have done it! I was glad to have conquered myself. I am truly my own worst enemy.


Heather said...

you have 9 kids, how can you have all of it done. I am so impressed!

Lulu said...

I love that you said you conquered yourself. It's so true that we talk ourselves out of so many things.

Kristine said...

Way to go on both the Christmas prep and the exercise!!

Camille said...

Good job on going the whole 6 miles. It's easy for me to talk myself out of "going the distance" on the treadmill too.