Wednesday, December 17, 2008

the short report

I can't make a real post about my trip yet because we used Glade's little pocket camera from work and I don't have the connector to upload the photos. He is supposed to bring it home tonight. I will say that it was a great trip, very cold and a nice little break from reality. (not that my reality is that bad!) I'm especially grateful for my mother who kept things going here at home including making my house sparkling clean to come home to. What would I do without her?!? I'm also grateful for my great kids who are not too hard to manage and made coming home a treat. Last but not least, I'm grateful for two good friends, Julia and Shelli, who took care of my little ones when my mom couldn't. Without all the pieces, the puzzle isn't complete. I felt totally at ease about my family while I was gone. We are blessed.


Kristine said...

I can't wait to hear all about your trip!

Heather said...

There is nothing better than going away with your husband and coming home to a clean house. Your mom is amazing.