Sunday, December 28, 2008

The days after...

The days after Christmas have been busy and fun. Friday we were able to have 3 super little guys over to play and did they ever! For a couple of hours, there was no TV, no computer, no fighting, no "I'm bored..", just fun playing. It was great. We spent the day trying to clean up our mess and I went to return a few things. The stores weren't bad at all, shocking. That night we went out with some friends to dinner and we were going to see a movie but the pizza took a really long time! We mostly just spent the evening talking which is probably one of my favorite things to do anyway.

Saturday, I tried to talk myself into going to the gym, but wasn't successful. Instead I showered and got the kids around to take them shopping. They all got Target gift cards from my Grandpa in IL. This is one of their favorite things to do. I asked if they wanted to make a Target-run and they all screamed "Yah!". When we were almost to Target, Bo says "I thought we were going to run.." Funny boy. Glade went with us and we let them all go in the toy section. We each kept track of a baby and wandered around while they tried to decide how to spend their $15. It's always an agonizing decision! We walked away with a cart full of toys (just what one needs the day after Christmas) and a bunch of happy kids. They all did really well at the store too.

Chelsey spent the day at the snow on a date. She was supposed to work but they told her not to come in so she quickly got a date and joined a group that was heading out. She had a great time and only came home with one minor injury, a snowball to the chin that cut her. I was so worried as I dropped her off. I could see the headlines "10 teenagers killed as car slips off icy road". I had to keep reminding myself that she is growing up and I can't keep her locked in her room forever. She returned safe and sound and I was very grateful.

That night, Glade and I went to return a few more things. He had been helping some friends move so the four of us went out to dinner to give them a break. It was a really enjoyable night. We went over to return some stuff and to make a long story short, I won! They weren't going to give us full credit for what we were returning because we had used a coupon to buy it. We had the receipt and after "arguing" with 3 people, they finally gave us the credit and we left. I was so proud and felt very victorious, Glade on the other hand.....mortified. We were right though. We got home really late which isn't very good when you have 8 am church.

We got to church in the nick of time. What a crazy morning. Dalin's shirt was dirty, Rhett's socks didn't match and my hair left a little to be desired. Not our best day. Glade and Stephen both gave talks in sacrament meeting. Stephen did so good! As he got up to speak I realized I hadn't even checked his talk. I had no idea what he was going to say. I was very pleasantly surprised. He had written it himself and did a great job. Glade did a great job too. Cried a lot. No surprises there. The primary kids got up to sing and when they were done, Bo's friend Brayden says rather loudly "Hi Bo!" and Bo says "Hi Brayden!" It was very cute and the whole chapel giggled. At first I was a little embarrassed, but then I decided, "That's exactly what we need and how we all need to be...happy and friendly."

Today was my last day as a primary teacher and only 3 kids in my class were there. If I were honest, I would say I won't really miss teaching primary. Sorry Heather. I love Relief Society and that is where I get my spiritual nourishment. I'm looking forward to getting back to that. Tonight is family dinner and more people are coming than we originally planned for so I'm a little worried about there being enough food. I'm hoping to feed the multitudes! It should be a fun night.

Now I'm at the crossroads of ending Christmas. To take the tree down or leave it up. Lots of years I'm very resolved one way or the other. This year I'm kind of in the middle. I guess that means I'm not quite ready to be done yet. We'll have to see how that one goes.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Great talks yesterday by Glade and Stephen. I don't mind that you are a RS person at heart, I like honesty. You will be missed though, and we will have you sub once in awhile.