Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Cuties

My Christmas cuties! Bo and Katy dressed in their Christmas clothes were more than happy to pose for me. The tricky part was that I would say "say cheese", then they would say cheese and run at me to see the picture on my camera. The only problem, I never actually took a picture! I kept sending them back telling them to wait for the flash, but I'm pretty sure Katy has no idea what I was talking about. Tomorrow we are dressing them up and taking them to the mall to see Santa before I go out of town. I'm sure I will have some great shots to share then!

They really are great friends.

Angels, I tell ya, Angels.....

Big brother wanted in on the action so we got Rhett in there. You can see Katy already trying to flee.


Heather said...

I saw Rhett and Bo and told them how cute they looked all in their Christmas clothes. Darn that I missed Katy.

Kristine said...

Very Festive & cute!

Heather said...

hey BTW Bo did great in primary after you left. I can't believe you have another kid in primary, oh wait yes I can.

Jake and Jenny said...

Cute! Cute! It is fun when they play together and are good friends!

Kathy said...

I love the pictures! I can't wait to get mine dressed up for the crazy "sit still, don't look at the baby, look at me, smile" shots this year. :-)

Shelli said...

Why do they have to grow up? Super cute.