Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The wonder of a child

This is what happens every time the whole family starts gathering in the living room, with the TV off of course. As soon as Katy realizes everyone is gathering, she runs up to the front of the room and starts waving her hands around. She used to wait till we actually started singing the song, but now she just KNOWS when it's about to happen. I'm always amazed. Bo is a little grouchy cuz we didn't sing the song he wanted to sing. This has become their tradition, to lead the music during FHE. I could go on and on about all the things that just amaze me about Katy, but I won't! I know I've been through this a few times before, but I just can't get over the ability they have to think and learn and figure things out. Crazy.

Mouse update:
(especially for Camille)

This is one you will love. Of course I'm awake at 3 am, I always am. (hence the need for a nap Joe!) I was laying there trying to go back to sleep and I kept hearing paper tearing. I have some scrap booking stuff on the floor right next to the fireplace, which happens to be where the nest is. I'm not sure what that mouse is making with my paper, but I'm sure it's gonna be cute! Anyway, I couldn't get back to sleep and every time I would hear that paper munching I would just cringe. Just go get the peanut butter already!


Kathy said...

I think that's great...whatever he's making is going to be cute! Don't worry about Joe; I think he's just jealous! =)

It's a good thing our family doesn't get together to sing. When the Dairmans sing Happy Birthday it makes the babies cry...literally!

Lulu said...

Katy is so cute- with a family as large as yours it's probably always something exciting when ALL of them start to gather.

Your reflexs must be better controlled than mine! If I knew there was a mouse in my house I wouldn't be able to fight the urge to run in and chase it away!!

Windi Hesler said...

Awwwe. . . They are just too cute. Everytime I read your blog I try to imagine what it would be like to have as many children as you do. I have come up with the conclusion that it would be crazily wonderful. Kaylin wishes to have siblings, I should send her to stay with you for a while. I am sure she would love it. She always comments on how fun your family sounds. What great parents you and Glade are.

Camille said...

Oh, my gosh, I am totally freaking out about the MOUSE! How can you be so calm about the whole thing?! Especially when you can HEAR it! lol And thanks for thinking of me--as I usually do,I scanned down the post looking for any "mouse update info" and sure enough, there it was. And this time it was kind of dedicated to me. How thoughtful of you! (After that I did go back and read the beginning of the post.) This mouse saga--it's like a soap opera that I have to keep checking in on and am afraid I will miss an episode. LOL

Joe said...

Don't defenend your napping addiction to me I am not going to be an enabler. Besides I dont read blogs I am a guy:)