Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's raining Clothes!

Maybe you thought I have been gone for a few days reading fervently, nope. I've been sorting clothes. Piles and Piles of really expensive clothes. To make a long story short(if possible), Glade's business bought a foreclosure house. The people that lived there left a lot of things behind. I mean a lot. Now, they did have time to take all the door knobs and a few sinks, but didn't make it back to get the rest. So I brought it all home and decided to see what was there. Holy Cow! I think there were about 15 black yard bags full of clothes. It has been a daunting task, really, to sort through it all, but well worth it. I think in Glade's words "I'll never have to buy clothes again!". The man was just about exactly Glade's size and wore the same type of clothing. Button ups, jeans, shorts, work out's insane. There were tons of little girl clothes perfect for Katy and bunches and bunches of baby boy stuff. I will be dividing that stuff out to some friends that just had babies. My girls were just about the same size as the woman so they hit pay dirt as well. The craziest part about all this is that they are all expensive, name brand clothes. Some, a big some, still had tags on them. Brand new, never been worn expensive clothes. My brain has not been able to wrap around the absurdity of it. It has been very fun however, to attain so many cute and FREE clothes for my family! There were also some bikes, toys, home decor, holiday decorations and (blushing) some embarrassing unmentionables that my 16 yr old happened across. Today I'm going back to get the rest. The pictures are of all the bags of clothes. I think I have it mostly under control and just need to let a few more people go through it before I decide what to do with the left overs. Very strange and yet quite exciting.

this is most of the bags, Glade had already taken some and so had the girls.

Katy clothes

The mess I have been living in since I brought it home!


Unknown said...

Raining Clothes or Jackpot?!

What, besides the bakery, does Glade do?

Heather said...

that is so fun. Not going through the clothes but getting them. It's always fun getting free clothes.

So who's moving into the house?

Kathy said...

Joe took me to see the house last night. It was pretty dark when we got there, so I didn't get to see everything, but what the heck were those people thinking? There was weird stuff missing, and stuff you think they'd take still there.

I hope it's OK with you that we took the little princess bike that was out back, we can pass it back to you for Katy when Hailey outgrows it if you'd like.

You would think that someone who was being foreclosed on would at least take all of those clothes to a used store to sell them! CRAZY!!

Beautiful house by the way! I'm sure they'll make some money off of that one. =)

Leslie said...

So cool!

Lulu said...

Love the story in person. It was a really nice visiting with you today, always is!

Lulu said...

Ok, so I am still laughing at the 'extended' story I got this afternoon...

gena said...

so cool! Now Glade will look even more like a movie star:)