Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Still Reading

Yesterday started off really well. I made it to the gym and actually ran a decent 5K for not having run in 3 weeks or so. Came home and started cleaning the kitchen from Sunday dinner. Bo asked what I was doing so I said "dishes". He laughed and said "you dont know how to do that!" I guess I don't do enough dishes around here. Not that anyone sees anyway! The rest of the day was uneventful: dinner, FHE, way too many brownies and then some reading. Yes, my mom finished and I have begun the last leg of this journey.
Brooklyn has started playing the cello. I begged her to wait a year and play the flute, but she insisted. Now I have a morning and afterschool player. That makes 4 trips to the school. Yuck. I also talked to Nick's teacher and hopefully filled in some blanks on how he can help Nick. Luckily the test was postponed till Friday. I guess most kids did poorly. Nick still needs to step it up a little with the responsibility factor. He has failed all his morning quizzes in history. Lucky for me I talked to his teacher and have Stephen to refer to. I would be totally in the dark. I'm very afraid for him.
Today is playday for Bo and grocery day for me and Katy. I love this new arrangement. Not that Bo is hard at the store, but two is always harder than one. Not to mention, I'm buying a Christmas gift today and I couldn't do that if Bo were with me. I know, it's only August. It's not the first gift I've gotten either. Slow and steady, that's how to win the race! (not to mention clearance and sales!) Merry Christmas!


Lulu said...

I wish I had more room in my car, I would run one of your kids around for band since one this kids I carpool with is a band member...

Heather said...

Christmas shopping already. I guess I need to start getting in that mindset.

gena said...

So fun having Bo today! He is such a cute kid and he reminds me alot of Dalin:)