Friday, August 15, 2008

No book, No mouse

Finished the book this afternoon. Made me cry, which isn't very hard right now. It's weird, I was so happy to finish it and not have that hanging over me, but at the same time, there were a few times where I thought "I'll go read while I wait" or "I have a few minutes, I'll just go read." Only I didn't have a book to read. I don't want to read, it's time consuming, but at the same time it was strange to not. Anyway. As soon as my mom is done, I will start the last book. Then I will probably have to start reading the classics, to help Nick in school. I really am not looking forward to that.

Had a mini date. We went to dinner and then exchanged Chelsey's jeans. Not exciting, but it was time together and that's always great. I love Glade.

Mouse update - Still haven't caught that dang thing, but he is definitely taunting us. He lives upstairs with the kids now. They see him every day. No one is startled or freaked out. They chase him until he sneaks away. They think he's cute. Even the big girls don't mind him. We have traps set up there and everything, but he won't go for it. I think it's utterly disgusting, but I guess I'm the only one. The kids have even begged to not kill it. Sheesh....don't they know?? Diseases, germs, poop, ewwwwww! Anyway, I'm just relieved it wasn't an alien tarantula.


Heather said...

I am a reader just like you. I don't like it but once in a while a good one sucks me in.

Love the new block look, and the picture looks great without the lady behind you guys. Good looking family.

gena said...

Mouse? yuck! I would take a taranchula over a mouse any day!

Leslie said...

I hate that feeling when I've finished a book and don't have a new one yet. LOVE the family picture and the new look.

Lulu said...

I think he's CUTE??? Seriously, you have live in the country TOO long!