Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Late Night Workout

Yesterday afternoon was not as smooth as I would have liked to be able to make it to the gym. We had had a really good (big) shopping trip in the morning and spent a lot of the mid day figuring out how to store everything. I tried taking a nap, but really just wanted to read my book. Funny coming from me, huh? After getting all the homework done, I hope, then dinner and getting everyone to scouts, I decided to hit the gym. Chelsey didn't have mutual so I had a babysitter. I went and ran what I thought was going to be a pretty fast 5K, but it was about as good as I usually do. I think I walked an extra lap. I was running then walking, but I was running at 7 and walking at 3.8 which is faster than I usually do both. I guess walking that extra lap ruined my time. I was beat though. Right when I was finishing, the hip hop class was starting so I thought I would try doing that as well. I really felt light headed and like I might throw up at first. No rest time in between. I fought through that and was fine until about 35 minutes into it. She decided to try to teach a routine, which I hate. (too much down time) But the beginning was a lot of turning. She made us do it so many times in a row that I thought I might really pass out this time. I decided to call it a night and go home. Came home and what was waiting right inside? Cookies. My delightful daughter had decided to make cookies. So I guess I just killed myself so I could eat a cookie. I'm so stupid.


Kathy said...

After all that, I think you deserve more than one cookie!

Heather said...

not the cookie. Good for you for trying the hip hop class. That one actually sounds fun.

Camille said...

That's how I felt when I tried the Zumba class at my gym. It's was tons of latin dancing, and I decided I'm NOT a coordinated dancer after watching myself in the mirror during class. lol

Leslie said...

You exercised more in one night than I think I have in the last month. *I'm* so stupid.