Sunday, August 24, 2008


Here are the updates on the things going on around here:

I can't say for sure since it's only been two days, but my elbow feels really great. I can still feel it at times, but nothing like it was. He said to give it a week, so I'm still hoping the rest will subside, but seriously, SO much better. Why did they never offer that to me before?

So we caught a baby mouse upstairs. It was still alive and stuck to the glue trap. Chelsey thought it was so cute and asked if we could keep it. Ummm. NO! She wondered if we could at least save it. Sorry Sis, it's stuck! The kids were all "playing" with it as it struggled to get loose. Stephen reached in to pick up the trap and the mouse bit him. Yikes, hope there's no serious disease there. It's just a little country mouse so I'm pretty sure he'll be OK, Stephen that is. Glade is sure that it wasn't the mouse they had chased around for an hour one night. He would be right because I saw that mouse last night! Bo woke me up and I went and turned on the bathroom light and there he was in my shower. I guess he was thirsty. He ran around the walls of my bathroom and behind my dresser. Now I had to walk past my dresser to get back in bed. This is all just too creepy for me. Now that we know there was a baby mouse, how many more might there be?? Ewwwww! How does my mouse just happen to get knocked up?

Friday I finished reading Breaking Dawn, the last of the vampire books. Not bad, four big books in three weeks. I would have to say the last was the best. I enjoyed the story, but was irritated a little with her writing style and lack of editing (tons of typos). I'm a little crazy about stuff like that . Anyway, I think it was mostly an enjoyable experience and I may even try it again sometime. Who knew?

We went out with some family that were in town Friday night and went to an all you can eat buffet. Will never do that again! The food wasn't even that great, but I ate so much I couldn't even sleep that night. Why do I do this to myself? Saturday night we went out with John and Tracie. We went early to beat the rush and we still had to wait half an hour. Which was totally fine by me because I still wasn't hungry. I was much more sensible this time and just had a salad. After dinner I talked them into going back to their house and learning a new card game - Euchre! I have so missed playing Euchre and seems like not very many people can get the hang of it. They did really well, I think we might even do it again some time, YEAH! After a few hands, we went to the "lucky house" and got a few things that Tracie wanted for her house. She has roosters and there just happened to be some rooster stuff. Lucky for her!

This one totally sucks. She has been trying to go on this date for 2 weeks now. For some reason or another, they have had to cancel. This time it actually went through. Unfortunately, we had to leave before she did. I asked Whitley to make sure they got a few pictures with my camera. Chelsey was mortified at the idea. When her date came to pick her up, Whitley tried to get a few shots, but I forgot to put the SD card back in my camera. Can you believe that?? So now I have nothing of her first date. She was way happy about that. She had a great time and even called to check in and see what time I wanted her home. We haven't exactly given her a curfew yet. She hasn't given us a whole lot of reason to.

Saturday we went to the Dairman's to celebrate Hailey's birthday. They always do a big deal, BBQ, swimming, etc. We are so grateful they always include us. Nine extra kids in a pool is no little thing. They even let us come early so we could swim before it got too crazy and because we had to leave early to get home to pick Chelsey up from work. The kids had a great time. I sprayed them all with sunscreen like a good mom, but forgot to shake it really good. They are all sunburned. I guess the sunscreen is at the bottom or something. Woops. Katy wouldn't have anything to do with the pool. We put her in and she cried the whole time. I have NEVER had a kid who didn't love the water. Strange. It was a really fun afternoon and so great to get the kids out of the house for the day. Thanks Joe and Kathy!

This is what happens when there are too many people in a house and everyone thinks someone else is watching the little ones. Bo is a little obsessive about having his hair done. He never wants to leave until we've done his hair. He decided to do it himself. I wasn't here at the time so I thank Whitley for thinking to take pictures and then also for bathing him! Love you Whitley!

This is ALL gel


Windi Hesler said...

Cute hairdo Bo. I can remember Kaylin doing silly things like that. Hers was mousse.

I think the mouse thing is pretty funny. If you have one mouse usually then you have two and so on and so on. Here in Germany I (we) have a grandaddy long leg problem. Every day in every corner I have spiders. That creeps me out. I HATE SPIDERS!!! No matter what kind or how harmless they are. Our Grandaddys are H-U-G-E. Anyway hope you all had a great weekend or having a great weekend.

Kathy said...

We are always happy to have you over, and your kids are always so well behaved! =) Anytime!!

Heather said...

The last line of your mouse story cracked me up.

So glad chelsey finally got her first date, bummer no picture. I would have gone over to take it myself.

Would love to see Bo at church with that much gel, his hair is done for the week.

Lulu said...

I think your mouse problem has traveled. Jason found one in the garage this morning. He better not travel any farther...

Bo you look sensational!

Kathy said...

We had a great time at Sunday dinner last night. Thanks for letting us crash it again! Sorry we left Bo crying. I felt so bad, and he was so cute! He kept telling Hailey that his mom said she could stay for a few more minutes. I'm glad those two had so much fun playing together. Our kids always have so much fun at your house.

Camille said...

I'm freaking out about the WHOLE mouse story. I have to admit, that's the first thing that I am looking for on your blog as soon as I click on. I know, I know lol. The picture in my head of a live squirmy mouse on the glue trap--ewww! Keep me posted.

p.s. I totally want to talk about the books--I think Breaking Dawn was my least fav. . .

Leslie said...

Lucky house? I want to go.
P.S. Call an exterminator. Bu

Leslie said...

I meant to say:
Bulwark 480-969-7474 and tell 'em Angie Peters sent you. :)