Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Peer Pressure

It's been a very productive last few days. I really tried hard on Sunday to not just "clock watch" till we could all be normal again. An observation by my friend Leslie. I worked on my food storage, my activity day stuff, and read some. It really was a much more pleasant day when it was filled with good stuff. I even found an activity book I had gotten and never used. I printed out some papers for my kids to work on they actually liked it. They worked really well in my primary class too!
Yesterday, my last free day with a babysitter. Kids start school tomorrow. I spent the morning cleaning my kitchen from Sunday dinner. It feels so good to actually have things cleared and cleaned. Stephen and I even got the floors cleaned. After cleaning myself up, I went to the bank and to get my nails done. I got home right around lunch time. I laid down with Bo for about 1/2 an hour and then my kids started getting home from school. Did I mention I did laundry off and on all day? I was also waiting for the A/C guy to show up, which he finally did. Right after he showed up, it was time to start making dinner. I have really been liking my menu thing. No decisions, just grab the ingredients and go! After dinner, we had family home evening and then Glade and the boys went out to till the garden so we can get our pumpkins planted. All in all sounds like a productive day, huh? What I have yet to mention......the peer pressure.......Today I have read over half of Twilight. Yes, I gave in. I'm not yet loving it, but will finish it. Chelsey said the first book is the least exciting. They were shocked that I had read that much in one day. I guess since I don't enjoy reading, they just assumed I wasn't very good at it. Anyway, today will not include much reading. Meet the teacher, get the last of supplies, PTO meeting and then scouts. That's kind of a nice busy day for the last one before school starts! The cherry on top....I think I slept for 7 straight hours last night and didn't wake up once! YeeeeHawww!


Lulu said...

ah- it sucked you in huh? My little sister just bought the last one and I am patiently waiting for her to finish! I am so glad you had a productive day! I LOVE being organized again!!

Leslie said...

I love the comment that they didn't think you were good at reading. Too funny. I'm glad you had a productive Sunday. I didn't remember my own observations one single time this Sunday. EEP! Always room for improvement, I tell ya. Sometimes lotsa room.

Camille said...

I got sucked in to the books also, but I'm a little dismayed with the last one. I personally think there's scenes in there that are not appropriate for young readers. But maybe I'm being too sensitive. It will be good to get a second opinion from another "mom." I liked the 2nd book the best. I hope you like them. Happy reading!

p.s. The comment that your kids didn't think you were good at reading also made me laugh out loud--it reminded me of when Chase didn't believe that I could ride a bike. I wanted to borrow his bike to take the scouts on a bike ride and he wanted me to "show him first that I really knew how to ride a bike." LOL I told him "haven't you ever heard the saying it's like riding a bike." He was amazed at my ability.

gena said...

Days like that are what I need to aspire to. You are amazing! It sounds like I might be one of the last ones standing in our ward without having read the books:)

Kristine said...

I am glad that someone is getting stuff accomplished. I feel like I run around and am exhausted but have nothing or not very much to show for it! I also love the comment about the whole reading thing!