Thursday, August 7, 2008

Too Too Much

Do you ever stay away from the computer because there's just too much to report? That is how I have felt. So forgive me for my very messy, scattered entry!
Meet the Teacher
Crazy! That's all I can say. Screaming baby, noisy kids, crowded hallway. Shopping after meeting teachers. Crazy! 6 kids, screaming baby, lots of fun things at arm's length. Nap after shopping. Wonderful! By the way, my baby never makes a scene, but today....possessed.
Did I mention that last Sunday was her first day in Nursery and she did GREAT? It was also her first "baby ponytail". She wouldn't keep her headband on so I gathered the 10 hairs she has that are long enough for me to wrap a rubber band around 40 times and gave her a ridiculous but very adorable pony right on top her head!
First Day of School
"It's the most wonderful time of the year", no not Christmas....After only one day of normalcy and quiet and fun baby games, I almost feel sane again. I was excited to see my kids when they came home and they were nice to each other and I'm not sure I yelled even once! That's how a home is supposed to be!
Hoed, but not planted. We are going to miss the pumpkins for Halloween, but we are still going to try. Says they need 100 days and we're passed that. Hoping for a miracle!
Finished the first two and am on my third. I'm a little vampired out, but must keep going!
Reading has taught me a few things. (Other than how a vampire and werewolf can't get along).
- It's not so bad
- I don't like the nagging it brings of "i have to get back to it". I have enough things nagging at me!
- My kids shock that I'm holding a book - not good!
-Stephen -How did you read that much in one day??
Me - I don't know.... I'm a fast reader?
St - Soooo (confused)..You're good at it, you just don't like it??
Me - I guess so...
St - Walks away befuddled shaking his head (This too, not good!)
- Reading before bead = vampire dreams
- Reading = less blogging
- Opens up conversations
All in all, it's been OK, but I wouldn't like it on a regular basis.
First meeting, probably won't stick with it. I'm not super in love with how they work and what they do with the money. Remember my entry about the aggravation over school supplies? The PTO seems to exist to provide teachers with more stuff. Not the students, teachers. They want to buy all the teachers $25 logo'd polo shirts. Are you kidding me? I can't continue to support that kind of behavior.
Much more sane and much less anxiety. Feels like a normal human and much more in control. Loves having a dinner menu and a routine. Would love to have an 18 month old forever. Needs a little more sleep. Can't wait for Christmas and cool weather. Loves her life.


Heather said...

I agree with you on the PTO thing. Do you know how much copy paper you could get instead of a shirt. Anyways, I get overwhelmed with 4 kids curriculam night (which I did not go to) don't know how you keep up with 9. Keep up the good work you inspire me.

Kathy said...

Whew! I felt like I couldn't take a breath READING all that. I don't know how you do it! Just Breathe...:-)

I love how kids think that just because you are good at something, it should automatically be something you LIKE to do to...not always the case! I guess that's because as adults we always say things like, "but you're so good at it, why don't you want to do it anymore?"

Kristine said...

You amaze me! Now I know how you get so much done. I love your insights!

Lulu said...

ha ha- A moment in Laurie's brain. Too much for me!!!