Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rainbows and Running


Last night I took Rhett to his first Jungle Book practice. He did really well. He is a hip hop elephant. They are doing a two minute dance to "Can't touch this". Very fun. On the way there, it was still kinda sprinkling. Right out in front of us was a full rainbow! How often do you see that? It was very beautiful. It makes me so sad at what the world has deemed the rainbow a symbol for.


Today I ran my best 5k to date. 32 minutes and 40 seconds. That beats my last time by just about a minute. Still 3 minutes behind Glade's time, but he's crazy. I ran all of it but one lap. That was the true feat. Totally mind over matter. I had to talk myself through it the whole time. "you've gone this far" "it's not going to kill you" "just this once" "don't think about it". After I finished the 5k, I walked another 2 miles. A great day on the treadmill. I decided that Thursdays would be my run hard and push it day. My legs were totally aching and felt like rubber, let's hope it's not too bad tomorrow!


Kathy said...

No kidding! Why do they get to take the rainbows??

Congratulations on your 5K time!! You are awesome!!

Heather said...

I was practicing kicking the football in the front yard with Wyatt yesterday in the sprinkles and rainbow and thought "this is so cool". Stupid me got no pictures of it. grrrrr.

Great ont he running. I am truely impressed.

Leslie said...

It was so good to hang out with you at Bunco tonight. You really look happy in your own skin. Go Laurie!