Monday, August 25, 2008

Rain, Holy crap, Rain!

I took pictures, but they just don't show "wet" that well. I left to get my kids from school and it was raining. I love the rain! I didn't want my kids standing in it for too long though so I wanted to get there right when they got out. By the time I got to the school (about 5 min), it was raining so hard I couldn't see the road in front of me. Seriously, I almost pulled over and I'm not one who minds driving in the rain. It was actually sheeting across the road. I decided not to wait in the line to pick them up and I would just park and go get them. I had a beach towel in the car so I thought, "I'll just throw this over my head". Ha! The minute I stepped out of the car, the wind blew the towel right off me and I was absolutely soaked in a matter of seconds. Not just a little wet, drenched! I ran across the parking lot to find lots of wet, crying little children. It was madness! I couldn't even find my kids cuz everyone was huddled in corners with backpacks over their heads. It took me about 15 minutes of standing in the craziness to find all of mine. I have never been so wet from rain. When I got home, I had to change before I went to get Whitley. I was literally soaked to the bone. I had to use a towel to dry off before I could get new things on. I wish the pictures did justice, but they don't. It was all better when they got to come in, change into dry clothes and enjoy fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies. That's a tradition!


Heather said...

ok I was waiting to get Wyatt from the bus and saw you driving by and I said to myself, "self, Laurie looks very wet. How did she get so wet sitting in the car"
Hahaha. Now I know. You crack me up.

Leslie said...

We didn't get that much rain at all. Bummer!

Lulu said...

Did you get the letter the school sent home apologizing for making all of the kids stand out in the rain? ha ha ha