Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Memory Game

I've seen this on other people's blogs (Kathy's) recently and thought it would be fun. I hope you all play along.

Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together (or my husband). It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Unknown said...

Waiting until Midnight at the tent to go get gas for the Thing because it ran out on Sunday. A great lesson for a budding convert!

Lulu said...

I do one for Glade since it was my first encounter with the Smith family.

Chatting in the hallway with a few ladies at church and seeing two teenage boys tearing thru the halls and next seeing Glade's hand whip out like a snake and grab them each by the collar and reminding them each where they were.

Thanks for keeping the peace Bro. Smith!

Camille said...

Mine's like a "double". I love all our bunko times. I love how we can laugh one minute, share the gospel the next, and cry on each shoulder's the next. Always followed up by more laughing. But I would have to say I love the story that Carla shared at bunko about the scary guy in his running clothes outside their window--and it was Glade. I laugh so hard every time I think of that story.

Kathy said...

My first one is for Glade.

Remember when we were at the park in Payson for the 4th of July and it started pouring? After a few minutes of complete downpour, a little kid came running towards the canopy and Glade started asking everyone, "Is that(___)?" After he asked a couple people, and the kid got closer he realized it was Bo. That was classic!

Kathy said...

Hey Laurie, remember when we both started a blog on the SAME DAY, but had no idea the other one was doing it???

Windi Hesler said...

Okay so I had to dig way deep for this one . . . I killed you and Sherri's goldfish! I really think that they were Sherri's but when I think of childhood memories that is the one that comes to mind when it concerns you. The thing is that I remember most is that you guys gave me strict instructions on not what to do or they would die. What did I do, exactly what you and Sherri had instructed me not to do. LOL :(