Monday, June 2, 2008

Weekend news

Friday night we went to dinner with friends from our last ward. It was really enjoyable. I'm glad we were able to stay in touch with some of them. Was even able to stay in my points range.
Saturday morning the boys worked really hard doing the yard, it looks great!! It's amazing how fast it can grow in such a short time. I did more scrapbooking inside, I know, tough life for me! We did get some cleaning done inside, eventually. I took Chelsey around to put in applications for a job. That was not a fun process, but very necessary. The girls spending is definitely more than her income! We all spent the evening in eating pizza and watching National Treasure 2. Poor Glade, he worked from home all day and got really frustrated. I don't think he came out of the office for almost 8 hours.
Sunday went well. Fast Sunday is always hard with my littler fasters. This my first day with later, 3 hour church. I didn't think it was that bad. The worst was Katy. She just wanted to go to bed. My primary class did pretty well also. I just need to have a watch so I'm not guessing how much longer. The very worst part is that it doesn't leave me much time for a nap when I get home! This Sunday we got to go to the Smith's for dinner. Their kitchen is finally done! It looked really nice. My kids always have fun playing with their cousins and I always love visiting with family. I really did luck out with the in-laws, I got pretty good ones! We stayed a little late and looked at pictures with John and Sherry. I love them! We always have a good laugh when they are around.
Today, we started our new responsibility chart. It's very detailed on what they are supposed to do that day and a sign in sheet to report what and when they did their stuff. This way I know if anyone is trying to cheat the system. Then they can have computer time! By 7:30 this morning, they had all read for 30 min. Amazing! Before I could even get my task at hand done, they had put all the laundry away as well. Double Amazing! Chelsey and Stephen had dentist appointments this morning (no cavities) and then the three of us went to the gym. Chelsey and I worked out and Stephen wandered. He hasn't yet convinced himself that he just needs to do it. I'm not giving up on him though. He has lost 3 lbs already just from eating better. Way to go Stephen.
Oh yea, yesterday McDonald's called Chelsey for an interview! How fun would that be for her to follow in her mother's footsteps?? She called back today but the girl isn't in till tomorrow. Very exciting!

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