Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm officially a contestant on the biggest loser!! Well, the Smith Family Biggest Loser anyway. 9 of us decided to start a biggest loser competition. We are going for 12 weeks starting yesterday. We haven't exactly figured out the prize part. I know some of you have done this before, any suggestions? I will keep you posted on how it's going!

Yesterday went from aww, nice Sunday-to crazy grrr Sunday-to aww yummy fun Sunday! We were literally getting in the van to leave for church when one of the kids noticed a puddle under Bo in the garage. Yup, he peed. Right there, in his church clothes on his church shoes. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but my boys don't have multiple Sunday clothes. Luckily he is little and I happened to have one extra pair of pants and if he didn't wear shoes, no one would think that was too weird. Still, we walked in during the opening song. Whew! Church went well, came home and cleaned up for Sunday dinner. Thought maybe I could catch a half hour nap "ding-dong". Nope, family has arrived! Scones were delicious! We had tons of fun hanging out together. I got out my new camera out and was taking just silly pictures. I would LOVE to post some of them, but I already promised I wouldn't! I'm glad we have a family who aren't afraid to be silly.
TODAY: Today started early, like 3 am. My baby has slept through the night for 7 months now, but I still don't. I see the 3 o'clock hour every night. Last night was not my doing though. My dang dog woke me up. He wanted to go outside. This happens occasionally, but not too often. So I got out of bed turned the alarm off and went to let him out the front door. This was a little unusual because I usually let him out the back. Soooo glad I did! He had so kindly CRAPPED on my rug in front of the door! I wanted to kill him. Then I decided to be grateful it was on the rug and not my carpet. Guess I'm in the market for a new rug. I'm imagining Jack got a hold of some uneaten scones and they didn't sit very well with him. I left him out for the rest of the night.
We had Emma, Ellie, and Jake spend the night as well. I guess they like to get up with the sun! Anyway, crazy noisy morning, which was totally fine. Katy was so fussy I decided she needed to go back to bed. Since it was so noisy, I held her to sleep in my room and was just laying her in my bed when three kids came screaming and crying into my room. Sigh. Guess who was no longer asleep. I went back to blogging and realized how quiet Katy was being. Hmmmm, NOOO!!! Permanent marker all over her legs. I have never had a kid color on themselves like she does. I don't even know where she gets them. She must have her own stash. I was able to lighten it quite a bit with wipes, but its still there!
The silver lining? My day can only get better, Right???


Heather said...

The biggest loser contest, that is so fun. I say everyone puts money in a pot for a shopping spree for the winner to buy new skinny clothes.

I never had a kid color on themselves until they became teenagers and now they draw on themselves all the time. Grrr.

Kathy said...

I read the first sentence of this blog and thought, "no way, you'll never win! You have to start out big, so that there is a lot to lose!" It was such a HUGE part of the show. They were always talking about wanting the biggest people on their team, who had the most to lose. Let me tell you Laurie...I saw you on Friday, and there is no way you would make it on the show! You are looking too good!!

SherriH said...

good luck on the Smith Family Biggest Loser Contest. You've always been a big loser in my book.......just kidding, I love you and you know it.

Lulu said...

ooooh- Biggest loser- I love that show- You need to set up cameras and document all of it so we can all see-

As far as the coloring goes, I am with ya- except ALL my kids do it. I am sorry (but amused) about your chaotic day!

Camille said...

I have TONS of advice on doing your own biggest loser contest. Between Jerel and I we have done 8 of them with our families and ward. I know things that worked and things that didn't work and things we corrected for the next time we did it, etc. Call me for the down low!

Leslie said...

I almost totally freaked out when I saw that logo. Especially since I know you were out of town for the tryouts here. And that you don't weigh enough to be on that show. But how fun that your family is doing it. You'll all be winners.

Tairi said...

Its been too long since I have had a scone.........yummmmm.!!