Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ugh! No Way!

(Hugest Sigh Ever) So.....the last few days I have spent literally hours trying organize my pictures so I wouldn't have any more scary days. I have sorted, uploaded, downloaded, printed and resaved. It's been no small task. In tying up all the loose ends, guess what I came across? A whole stack of printed pictures. Hmmm, I thought, what could those be? Ugh, NO WAY!! All the pictures I thought I had lost the other day. Already printed. When did I do that???? Whereas I'm happy to have them, what I have gone through this last week!! Not to mention I just reprinted them all! I honestly just don't know how to keep it all straight. I have a box for every kid, CD's with back up's, not to mention their own folder on the computer. I guess I'm just going with: It's better to have too many than not enough! The only thing I have left to say is "MY BRAIN HURTS!"

Glade and I went to the genealogy library last night to get more names to take to the temple. I took the two discs I had and guess what they told me. No Good. We don't use that program any more so we can't even access the information. Again, John to the rescue! When we moved and changed computers, he backed everything up for me and put it in a file somewhere. I found it, and resaved it in the right program and now we can go get our names...woohooo!

Whitley's birthday was last week and she celebrated with her friends on Thursday. It was a wild and crazy night with 16 of her closest friends. Here are a few shots of what they did.

Started with Katy deciding she was tired of waiting so she got up and helped herself to some strawberries.

Lots and lots of pizza!

I have a big table, but not big enough for all of them.

They all brought black shirts and we decorated with neon paints. The plan was to dance and play in the black lights, but their shirts didn't dry in time..bummer!

Whitley made out like a bandit. She has very generous friends! I think she may have ended up with about 30 tubes of lip gloss!

Happy Birthday Whitley!!


Heather said...

You can never have to many copies of pictures. I just wish mine were organized like yours.

I am so glad I got to see a picture of her cake, Samantha came home and said it was so cute and tried telling me about it but seeing it is so much better.

Leslie said...

Happy Birthday, Whitley! I still remember the day you were born. I was so jealous that you were out and my baby (Britt) was still in. You're both getting so mature and beautiful!


Lulu said...

Man, you were right about a houseful of girls! Sheesh. And as for Katy and the strawberries- I can't belive the went OVER the cupcakes to get the strawberries!