Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bragging? You decide

Ok, my friend Diana inspired this entry. I was talking to her about running across her sister-in-laws blog and she was saying how she never wanted to have a blog. One of the reasons was that she felt like the blogs she had read were for the main purpose of making yourself or your life look like something it's not. Whereas I agree that much of what you put on your blog has to do with the good or exciting things in your life, would this be considered bragging? I feel like my circle of bloggers are very down to earth and I love reading about all each of you do. I'm sure there are some obnoxious blogs out there, so I am curious about your opinions on this matter. TRUTHFUL ones! Are blogs misleading as to who we really are?


Kathy said...

I'm going to have to disagree with your friend on this one. Of course you come accross the entries from those who say everything is so "peachy" all the time, but I think most of the people I know are very honest in their blogs. Most of us not only use the blogs to update our friends and family on what we've been up to, but to document things so that we can remember them. What's the purpose of that if we aren't going to be 100% truthful?

Heather said...

I love my blogging friends, I think we keep it real. The good and the bad. I even like the bragging sometimes. The fake ones I don't read anyways.

Jenn Fort Haderlie said...

I dont think blogs are misleading, its fun to see what people are doing in their lives even if they do "brag" it up-so what! By the way, we are moving to San Diego, Sean got a job offer over there!

Camille said...

I LOVE blogs. I love your blog, my blog and all our blogging friends. I think it's a way to share your life--the good and the bad. I'm happy for you when you run fast and lose weight (you deserve to brag over that). I want to be like you when you don't feel like you have to go to all your kids events (Jerel thought that was a great attribute too). I feel normal when you share your stories of your kids' messy rooms and snot smeared faces. I don't think blogs are fake--they show us what is real. Laurie, I love you and your blog.

SherriH said...

I have read quite a few blogs on several different blog sites and I am going to have to disagree with your friend on this one. I have met some really wonderful down to earth people through blogging.

Maybe that's because I look for blogs that are just about what people to on a daily basis. The blogs I read are usually about family, kids, grandkids, and daily struggles. There is one blogger who is very funny when it comes to her six kids.

Maybe your friend has read some bragging blogs and now has classified them all that way. It's too bad because there are some really great people out there you can meet through blogging.

gena said...

Wow I had a lot to catch up on! I enjoy our fellow bloggers. I like to think that everybody keeps it pretty real in my limited group:) Trevor tells me it's a waste of time, but before computers people were just on the phone all the time doing the catching up. Love Bo's scriptures reading!