Monday, June 23, 2008

Did you ever have a day?

Did you ever have a day when you felt like you accomplished absolutely nothing? Like a wasted day of your life. That's how I feel today. Then you have to go over it to see if maybe SOMETHING was done. This is what I came up with - I...

-swept the floor
-went to the gym
-caught up with an old friend
-pulled 2 teeth
-had a short nap
-gave a haircut
-dealt with the refridgerator repair man
-played taxi and pizza delivery woman
-gave 2 bubble baths

I guess it's not a totally wasted day, but let's just call it MUNDANE. As Julia's blog says - muddling. So to end a perfectly boring day, I'm going to snuggle in and watch the Batchelorette. Just to state, normally we would be having FHE, but I'm missing most of the F. Stephen and Nick left for scout camp, Whitley is at a friend's for the night and Chelsey is packing and helping a friend finish stuff for tomorrow, when she leaves for camp. Whitley will leave the next day and Glade after that. Sheesh, what will I do with myself?


Tairi said...

ok--this was almost my day EXACTLY....except for the pulling teeth part and repair man thing. I even watched the Batchelorette! I seem to have to many of these days..............

You are so motivated with all the things you have going on, to get to the gym! Great job Laurie!

Heather said...

I hope it was not your teeth you pulled, but one of your kids. Ü

I watched the Bachelorette last night too. Still not sure who I want her to pick. There is not enough room on this comment section to write what I thought about the whole Graham thing, grrr.

Kathy said...

Actually, that sounds like a pretty great day to me (except for the teeth pulling of course). I guess I'm going to have to start watching the Bachelorette, because I fell asleep watching Family Fued on TIVO...really that was the best thing we had!

gena said...

It's always exciting when teeth get pulled-that is as long as they're not permanent.