Saturday, June 21, 2008

Date Night

For Glade's birthday, we went out with some good friends from our last ward. Her birthday is in a week or so. We went to a new place called Longhorn Steakhouse. It was really good! A little pricey, but very yummy. I asked the waitress which was the leanest steak and I trusted her. Wrong! When I got home to check the points, it was high...grrrr. Ah well, it won't kill me I guess. After dinner we went to the CGCC perfomance center and watched The Secret Garden. A friend of Glade's was in it. It was really good as well. A little long, but if you're looking for something a little different than "dinner and a movie" this might be just for you! Tickets were $10 per person. We didn't even get ice cream after! I am really glad now that I know my steak was high!

Today is another Saturday. Glade's mowing. I'm puttering, wishing I was scrapbooking. Kids are all staying hidden because they know I will put them to work as soon as I see them. Going to head to the gym in just a little bit. Got some steak to work off!

1 comment:

Heather said...

hey I am going to the gym in a little bit too, maybe I will see you there.