Thursday, June 5, 2008

Buy a new one...

Glade had had a conversation with Bo quite a while ago about his, Glade's, grandparents being dead. This has really stuck with Bo. While laying down for our nap yesterday, we were talking about what we would do tomorrow. I told him we were going to Chuck E. Cheese and we would see Grandma. This is how the rest of the conversation went:

Bo: My grandma died.
Me: No she didn't.
My great one did.
That's right, your great-grandma died.
Now we need to buy a new one.
Then there will be another one.
Then there will be two cars.
Red ones.
I like red.
Why will there be two cars?

I'm not sure he even took a breath there! To explain a little, my mom has a red car. But what was funny was how he realized that there being two cars didn't really make sense. I love him!


Heather said...

he is very funny. He is at the fun age.

gena said...

Little kids are so funny! I had a girl in primary one time that said her family was going to rent(adopt) a brother. Buying a family member would be even better:)