Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Weigh In

Another good week, 3 lbs! Now for those of you frustrated with your own progress, it has taken me 5 weeks to lose 5 lbs. That sucks. But I think I'm back on track and headed down. I'm starting to believe so much of it is what you tell yourself. Word to myself - You are gettin' skinny!

Spent a really enjoyable evening at Enrichment last night. It was one of the more fun ones we have done. An interesting thing happened. I don't want to go into too much detail, but one of the women whose name I drew out of the hat a couple of weeks ago approached me. The week I had her name, I bombed. I couldn't think of anything she needed or that I could do for her. Well it turns out I did something for her and I didn't even know it! What a good feeling. When they say God works in mysterious ways, they weren't kidding!


Heather said...

enrichment was a fun time. It was definately one of the funner ones.

Windi Hesler said...

Hey Laurie,

In answer to your question on my blog about the residents at the castle. No, not a soul lives there. This Castle in Heidelberg is quite large and about the only part open to tourists is the section in which they practiced medicine. The rest of what you can see is courtyard and ruins. Very cool! I can't imagine living in such a large place.

gena said...

I am bummed I missed it-sounded like everyone had a good time.