Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Yeah for Free

Yesterday was a CRAZY busy day. I accomplished more in that day than sometimes I do in a whole week. Today I wanted to not do so much! I started by going through the ads and making a menu for the next week. I thought maybe I would go to Home Depot and return a few things then hit a grocery store or two. Usually I just add match, but sometimes I go for certain things. As the kids saw that I was getting around, they all wanted to come with me. They didn't even know where I was going and they didn't care. They just didn't want to be home! I certainly was not going to take them all grocery store hopping. I started to wonder what we could do that would fit into my plan for "cheap". I remembered a friend saying that if you join the Makutu's Island kids' club, you get in for free. So we did. I signed them each up so they each got a free entrance coupon, a free t-shirt and a free pair of crazy purple socks. (you have to wear socks there) It's kind of a little ways away, but for free....who cares! We spent a couple of hours there and then returned all of our humanitarian projects. As soon as we got home, they asked if I would take them to the pool. NO!! Sheesh... Only four more days and three of them are filled with stuff. I told them not to complain tomorrow when we do absolutely nothing. Actually, the vacuum guy is coming tomorrow...YEAH!! I've been going crazy without my vacuum. So tomorrow we get that fixed, do a few haircuts and then I have roundtable, oh joy. Friday is meet the teacher and date night, Saturday is auditions for the upcoming kids musical and then it's Sunday. starts!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Aw man, I misheard you! I didn't realize it was free to get in, too. I just thought you got a free shirt/socks. DOH! I did mention it to my kids and they said they only wanted to go if your girls were there, too.