Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuff Guy

Yesterday I had to take Rhett to get some shots or they wouldn't let him back to school. Our Dr.'s office hasn't had any openings so I sought out one of those free clinics close by. It didn't open till 9 so Rhett had to be late to school. While we were talking about why Rhett didn't go with the rest of the kids, Bo asked if he could get some shots. I asked him why he wanted some and he said "cause I want to see how much they hurt." Technically since he is 4, he could get his kindergarten shots right now, so I dug out his card and took it with us. I figured he would change his mind once we got there. Nope. Hopped right up, pulled his sleeves up and sat totally still. They did one in his left arm and then one in each arm after that. The first one, he flinched and his face crinkled a little, but nothing else. They when they did both, it kind of surprised him, but it was over before he realized what happened and he was good. Not a tear or a whimper or a lip quiver or anything. He took his lollipop and headed out. I was in shock. I think Stephen did about that good when he got his, but not one of them has asked for shots before. Katy thought she would like a turn at first as well. She put the little ID bracelet on and watched Bo. When they pulled his sleeves up to "clean his arm", she pulled hers up and waited. Then after his first one, she says "me no want shots". She liked the lollipop though! Glad to have it done.

After shots, I ran to the scout store to pick up awards for next week. Then Glade and I met for lunch while my mom had my babies. She brought them to work with her and I picked them up there. We came home, had naps, did homework, ate a quick dinner and headed for our first play practice. This was a parent night so it was pretty much just informational. First real practice is on Saturday. They are all really excited. Looks like it's going to be lots of fun. Came home to find Glade sound asleep by 7:30. Crazy. I had a hard time going to sleep. Not sure why, I wish I liked TV. Most things just irritate me.

This morning, after Bo went to preschool, Katy and I headed to the gym. Today I went 4.5 miles. I really need to stop being a wuss and just push myself. Tonight is Bunko so that is something to look forward to. The puppies are mostly doing well. Just one is having potty issues. Not sure how long to deal with that. Would it be bad to separate them and only keep one? She is a doll, the other is crazy and craps in my house. The kids love her though. Gotta think on that one.

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