Friday, August 14, 2009


That would be my moods this week. I feel like I'm bi-polar or something. I can go from perfectly fine and happy to grouchy and mad in an instant. It's rather frustrating. I will be fuming and going over it in my head and think "weren't you just happy 5 minutes ago?" Once I have a few days like that, I'm exhausted and just want to crawl in a hole where no one can find me. I went to enrichment where we had a clothing exchange last night. I was able to get rid of a whole tub of clothes and came home with a few choice pieces. We didn't really need much so I felt bad taking anything. Everything that was left went to DI. I got Katy a little pink Dora jacket. When I showed her, her eyes got big and she clenched her fists and all the veins in her neck were popping out. She loved it. I came home to a dirty kitchen which always makes me mad. They know better and always blame someone else for why it didn't get done. I crashed pretty early.

I woke this morning to a naked two year old wanting a new diaper on. I wouldn't put one on her (she needed undies) so she threw a screaming fit. I guess I'm up! Glade stayed at work all night so I had to take the big girls to school at 6 anyway. Not a great start to my day. I had intended to go to the gym, but decided to have a cupcake for breakfast instead. Very counter productive, but it went along with my mood. Fridays are one of my favorite days, not for the same reason as most though. Glade gets paid on Friday so it's like the beginning of the week for me. Bank is full, gas tank is full, pantry is get the idea. It's a good feeling. My visiting teachers came and that's always an "up" moment then I had to go get Nick. We hadn't had lunch yet so it was off to McDonalds. Totally unproductive for my weight and my new budget, but again went with my mood. Now I'm ready for a nap.

The Bunny

Once there was a bunny who loved to play in the water and be wet. In his travels, he often had to cross a little stream in which he delighted in splashing and playing. As time went on, the stream became dirtier and the bunny got older and it wasn't good for him to splash and play and be wet anymore. He was sad about this, but knew it was the right thing, so he built a bridge over the water. He built a pretty sturdy bridge and never really worried about it as he crossed the stream. Still, every time he came to the bridge to cross it, he was a little disappointed that it hadn't fallen or broken. See, if it had, he would have to go into the stream and it wouldn't really be his fault. Once he got over the sturdy bridge, he was always thankful that it held and realized he didn't really want to be in the water. But it was confusing and frustrating for the bunny to have to go through that disappointment every time he needed to cross the bridge even though he knew he would be happy once he got across. Will bunny ever NOT want to play in the water?


Anonymous said...

The pull of the water will always be strong. But, you will be able to resist the pull, if you make the right choices. Dacia

Leslie said...

I'm right there with ya...must be the moon.

Tammy said...

...but I love water! Hang in there Laurie. You're going to make it. I hope this week will be a better one for you. Thanks so much for helping me with Annalise yesterday! I really appreciated it and she seemed to enjoy it too!