Friday, August 21, 2009

Sick and in tears

So this morning I was cleaning up the kitchen before I headed out for the day and was "tidying" a little spot we throw stuff we will someday deal with, when I found a poem written on a piece of paper. It was Whitley's hand writing and she is notorious for writing poems and leaving me messages when she feels it's easier than talking. When I read it, I was sick to my stomach. I couldn't believe what it said and felt like I needed to talk to her right away. I texted her a little snipit of the poem with a bunch of "?" after it. She didn't respond. I texted her again demanding an answer even if she was in class. This is the poem:

Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see
That if I were truly to be myself
I would break my family's heart

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight
Back at me?
Why is my reflection someone
I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?

Really scary!! My mind was swirling with all the possibilities and I couldn't contain a few little tears. I was ready to head out to the school and get her out of class to see what the heck was going on with her. She finally texted me back and this is what it said:

"Those are the lyrics to the Mulan song "Reflections"." Silence. Relief. Laughter. Holy Crap! She sang this for auditions for the musical they are doing. That was her cheat sheet. Took me a while to shake the sick feeling from my stomach, but totally laughable. I'm sure she got quite a kick out of that at school as well. Being a parent is rough!

PS. What a terrible song!


Anonymous said...

Whitley is probably still laughing at you, but I bet she appreciates you even more! I would have been in a total panic. Dacia

Tammy said...

That is a terrible song! Funny story though now that you know what it is. Sorry you had that scare!

Heather said...

I soon as I started reading it I thought "that is the Mulan song". Lady next time call me first. I am totally laughing but I do understand what you must have thought.

Lulu said...

Hilarious. I didn't know she wrote poetry though- very cool.