Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nothing to do

I have nothing to do! I'm still in my jammies and haven't brushed my teeth. Part of me thinks I should put some clothes on and go do something fun, but the other part just wants to stay smelly and undressed. I mentioned doing something fun to my little ones and they both yelled "the gym!" Not exactly what I had in mind. I'm sure a trip to the gym would be beneficial to me, but not really feeling it. They say stress makes you gain weight, but it sure seems like it should work the opposite. With all the thinking and rethinking I have had to do the last few days, it seems like I should have burned a million calories!

Yesterday went much better than I anticipated. Bo had preschool so I spent the morning finishing up some projects I didn't want hanging over me and getting things organized for scouts. Mid day, Chelsey called and said her ear hurt so she wanted me to come get her. Not really in my plans. Then I decided having one more helper around here today might be a good thing. After quiet time, notice I didn't say nap time, I showered, got around and headed to the church to get things set up for Pack Meeting. My kids were very helpful and it went more smoothly than I had thought it would. My big kids scouts all got cancelled so I didn't have to worry about all of their stuff as well. Glade had been out of town for two days and was just getting back so I hadn't had his help with all my craziness. Because mutual got cancelled, Whitley really wanted all the girls to come hang out at our house for awhile. That was about the last thing I wanted. I told her she had to clean the house really well and decided that would make it worth it. As always, they were nice and it wasn't bad at all having them over. Other than not having any treats, Pack Meeting went off without a hitch. As I sat and talked to Glade before bed, I realized I had nothing planned or hanging over me for the time being. It felt weird. I'm sure it's temporary. How's that for a bunch of random thoughts all thrown together?

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Well when it didn't start out with "Holy crapness" I knew it would be better than Monday. ;)