Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You "Drive" Me Crazy..

I think I've taken a leave of absence from my life. Well, actually I want to, but things keep making me be participatory. I seriously just want to stay in my jammies all day and do nothing. I don't even mind being productive at home, I just don't want to go anywhere. I'm sure it's just my negative attitude, but it seems like every time I leave the house, stupid people follow me!! I've never been a very patient person, so getting from here to there is always a challenge to my mood. Throw in some really crazy people and BAM! grouchy.

I must tell my story of today. I need to drop off my water bill (it's less than a mile from my house, seems silly to use a stamp) and go to the bank. I decide that the Wal Mart south of me would be a quicker route since I had no other real errands. My bank is inside Wal Mart. So off I go....slowly....really slowly...about 4 mph under the speed limit. It's even worse that the car in front of me is big enough to completely block my view so I can't even see the turtle who's holding me up. Eventually we get to the light and it's red, of course, and the turtle gets to turn right. The car in front of me doesn't so I eternity...for it to go green again. I was trying to be positive by thinking that this was giving the turtle ample time to get far ahead of me. I go to turn right and there is a truck in the lane facing me! Somehow, he has misread the construction signs and is sitting facing the wrong way in the only lane that lets me through. I have to back up and go straight, which leads to nowhere. I get myself out of the intersection and flip a U-ie. By this time other cars are trying to turn as well but are also restricted by this guy who either doesn't seem to notice or doesn't really care that he's going the WRONG direction. Now there are 3 cars in the intersection, no one knowing what to do. The guy finally inches over into the appropriate lane and the other cars pass by freely. I, on the other hand, am now stuck on the other side with a red light. This particular intersection has a really long green light going one way and a really short one going my way. (remember the road goes nowhere) As I sit watching all the people going, my level of impatience grows. The one direction has had a green arrow for quite some time, the road has cleared and now no one is going anywhere. I make the quick decision and off I go. Yes, I turned left on a red light. Sorry Mom, I couldn't help it. The 8 minutes at this intersection had now done me in. So much for a quick trip.

The rest of the day was much better, but somehow I need to figure out that whole time continuum thing that will send me through a swirly hole and get me where I need to be without having to mingle with other drivers. Yes, I know I probably fall under the category of "crazy drivers" but in my defense....they make me that way!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Those situations are SO frustrating! Especially because you know that if you just drove like a jerk you'd be around everything and on your way like a normal human being. (How long did you spend thinking about how to spell U-ie?)