Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Betsy's Pouch

Let me tell you a story.

Once there was a sweet little kangaroo named Betsy. Betsy had a full life and was very much happy with everything she was blessed with. As Betsy grew and began to mingle with the other roo's, she began to notice that her pouch was just a bit smaller than normal. This was not much of an issue to her because thus far her pouch had been very useful and provided her with everything she had needed from it. Sometimes she would be a little envious that she couldn't carry as much as some of the other roo's, but she made do and didn't give it much thought.

One day a big new trampoline company came to town and wanted to use the kangaroos to do a little advertising for them. Everyone was excited to get to participate in the little adventure. They all lined up to see what it was they were going to get to do. The company handed out beautiful sparkly signs for the roo's to put on their pouches. When Betsy got her sign, it was quite smaller than some of the others that were handed out. That's OK, she thought, it fits my pouch perfectly. She adorned her sign and went about hopping through the village. She thought it so beautiful how the signs shimmered and sparkled! Then she caught a glimpse of herself in a nearby window....her sign could barely be seen. She tried standing a little taller and maybe puffing out her little pouch, but nothing seemed to help. Her sign was barely noticeable.

Betsy was now discontented with her little pouch. I want my beautiful sparkly sign to be seen just like the other roo's. Why does my pouch have to be so small?? Betsy spent a little too much time thinking on this and it made her sad. She tried really hard to remember how useful and good her pouch had always been for her and how she should be grateful she has one, but it was hard. Sometimes a girl wants her sign to shimmer and sparkle as well!

It's a very curious question...why are some pouches bigger than others?

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