Monday, March 7, 2011

Oh the Emotion

What a day yesterday was! The morning went really slow but we did get to Skype with Chelsey so that was a nice little twist to a pretty uneventful Sunday. Church was amazing. Some Sundays are just better than others. Today was a big cry fest. Our Bishop got released, they are moving to Colorado. Their whole family is just truly wonderful and they will be very missed. Ever since I found out he would be leaving, I've been drawn to Bro. Farr. The same thing happened when we moved into the ward and Bishop Carrol was not yet our Bishop, but I felt like he was. Sure enough, it's now Bishop Farr. I love that the Lord provides those little insights for us. Along with Bishop Farr, Brother Walker (who I totally called) and Brother Clare were called as his counselors. What an emotional meeting hearing them all bear testimony.

Katy gave her first talk in Primary today. She looked so tiny and small walking up to that big podium. She is not normally shy, but she sure looked a little uncertain today. I helped her through it and she did GREAT! I was so proud of her. As we talked about it later, she commented that not everyone listened. Even a 4 year old notices when people aren't paying attention when they should be.

Then we went to Young Womens and I heard news I was not at all happy about. More on that another day. But that teared me up before the lesson even began. Then one of my very best friends started telling the story of how they adopted their oldest daughter. She told the story as if "a couple" had experienced it, but I knew immediately she was talking about herself and it was very sweet and emotional. So I cried intermittently through her whole lesson on Eternal Families.

What a blessing the Gospel is! What wonderful people I'm surrounded by day in and day out! How great it is to know my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me! Truly truly blessed.

We ended the evening at the Smith's for Sunday dinner. Cake, cake and more cake! Today is ViEtta's birthday so between my left over cake and her new cakes, we had a lot of cake! What a really awesome day.

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