Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rhett's Birthday

I just realized I hadn't blogged Rhett's 13th birthday. It was quite uneventful but that doesn't make it any less special. Him turning 13 makes 5 teenagers for me!! His birthday was on a Saturday, but as always, play practice all day and then there was something that night. We gave him his gifts a day early and his cake a day late. Because his Saturdays are taken until April, he decided to forgo a birthday party and take the cash instead. That's a deal I offer the ones big enough to not care too much about parties. He really is a great kid and has grown leaps and bounds the last few years. He does great in school, he's an amazing runner and dancer and is so sweet to have around. Happy Birthday Rhett!

I can't even begin to imagine what he's thinking about as far as a wish goes!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

He is a great kid. We just love Rhett to pieces! Happy Birthday Rhett!