I have been really wanting to ride horses lately. I asked around to see if there was anyone willing to maybe take Glade and I and make it a date. So far I haven't had too much luck. I happened to mentioned it to the right person who let me know that he rides every Monday morning. I thought, perfect! The kids were still out of school, but I knew Glade would never go for it. Anyone remember his last horse story?? Anyway, turned out he couldn't go in the morning, but in the afternoon instead. After making a few arrangements to get my kids picked up from school, Whitley and I headed out for the San Tans on horseback with my friend. We rode for about two hours all around the mountains. If I didn't distinctly remember sitting atop "Roberto", I would swear I got drug behind him instead. OW!!
We didn't just stay on a nice little trail, we went straight through the desert and up and down big crevices that were a little scary. Whitley was a pro. Of course, I got the lame horse. At one point, Kenny yells back "he's gonna fall asleep right there if you don't get him moving!" Turns out that right at the end he also comments "I think somethings wrong with his leg." Uh-huh. Kenny doesn't name his horses so Whitley and I decided to name them for him. He said he perferred Spanish names, cuz they sound tougher. Well, I chose "Roberto" and Whitley chose "Alejandro" and for his horse........"MoonBeam". Shoulda named it while he had the chance!
It was really fun to be out, but at the same time, my knees were killing me and now, two full days later, I can almost move my body without wincing. Every muscle in my back ached, my thigh muscles were sore and I don't even have to mention SITTING! So as much as I appreciate him going through so much trouble to take us, I can't imagine it becoming a regular thing. I guess if you toughen up to it, but I can't really see that happening either. So my respect goes out to all those pioneers and cowboys who rode day after day to get to Zion! Your butt's better than mine.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A cowgirl I ain't!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Why are women the way they are? I guess I've kept myself pretty sheltered by sticking with my close friends and women from church so I haven't experienced a lot else since I've started my family. Being in the play has definitely been an eye opener. The last year or so, I have tried really hard to see the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt for behavior that maybe wasn't so great. I'm not naturally that way so it's been something I've had to work hard on. Because we practice so often and for so many hours, I'm forced to spend a lot of time with these girls. Some are so sweet and fun, but many are so not.
The whispering and bickering and OH the egos! It's hard to give someone the benefit of the doubt when their behavior is consistently bad. I have had to excuse myself on more than one occasion to take a breather and try to keep myself out of it. I guess that's the worst thing, when you are surrounded by it, it starts to creep into your own being. I don't want to be like that, but when people are complaining to you about others (and lots of times it's totally valid!), it's hard not to jump in and say "I know, right!". I don't want to be the gossiper and the two-faced one. I have tried to spend more time with Whitley and her friends because they are so much better than the grown women. Imagine that...I said I liked teenagers!
Probably the most disappointing thing has been dealing with the other LDS women. There are only a few, but some of the things they have done and said were not appropriate. It makes me sad that they are out there representing the Church that way. I'm not claiming to be perfect, but I sure hope that anyone that knows me, can see the standards of our church. I guess it's nice to be in my shelter and think the world is rosy and people are good. I think this whole week has just made me realize how many people are sad and lonely and lost, it's discouraging. I wish I was better at saving the world!
It's definitely made me think twice about ever doing a play again. I have loved the performance part of it and being with Glade and my kids, but the women.....sheesh.
Reflection on my New Adventure
Well, the week with our guest went fine, I guess. No major catastrophes. Unfortunately, I was reminded once again that you can't make people want to change. As logical and passionate as you can be, if they don't care.... Without sharing too much or being too person, here is what I observed.
Kids need parents. If they don't have a strong family, they will go look elsewhere. I'm not judging her parents, everyone does what they feel is best for them, but she is lonely. She looks for those relationships elsewhere so she finds other kids who are looking for the same thing. Typically, these kids are the same ones who end up in trouble. She is very kind and respectful and knows how to say all the right things, she doesn't ever get mad or throw fits...she's great at saying just what you want to hear, but in the end the story hasn't changed...she's lonely. Not only is she lonely, but she's stinkin stubborn. I know what's in her head because I was very much like her as a teenager. Even if she wishes things were different and she saw some merit in the things we told her, she may never follow through with them because that would mean "we were right". She certainly doesn't want anyone to think she agrees with them or cares what they think. Very sad.
Due to a few things that occurred (fairly innocently), she probably got in trouble when she got home. Rightfully so, but the fact is, is that she went right back into the battle zone. I did not send her home feeling very good about our experience. I guess my hope at this point is that someday in her dark hour, she will remember that there's light and that someone had told her about a way to be happy. We will, of course, keep contact with her and continue to offer support and love for her family, but right now I don't see that we were able to do much good for her. So disappointing.
Friday, March 25, 2011
It's so great when we get little reminders of why kids are so dang lovable. I need that every now and again. I get irritated with their shoes left on the floor and dishes in their rooms when the rule is "no food upstairs" and when they go to bed without doing the one thing I asked them to do...the list could go on. Of course there are so many proud moments as well, but these little silent, obscure moments are my favorite. Look closely at this picture and see if you notice anything. This is the table in my entryway.
Now notice this sweet little pink monkey lounging in the leaves of my lamp. There's no way he got there by accident. How perfect of a place for a monkey!! It really is great to be a Mom.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Pioneer Trek 2011
As always, I uploaded all my pictures backwards. This post could be really long, but I will try to keep it readable. This was a reenactment of the old pioneer trek out west. Our ward had 4 families made up of about 10 kids each with a "ma and pa". They weren't allowed to bring anything electronic and only what they could fit in a 5 gallon bucket. They then loaded the handcarts with every one's buckets and other supplies to make the trip.
They started out Thursday morning and hiked a total of 14 miles that day. I went as a cook/Aunt for our ward so I wasn't required to walk, but I wanted to. I wasn't sure if it would work out, needing to cook and all. I was assured there would be a vehicle to pick me up midday so I could get back. I hadn't planned on walking so I was wearing my fuzzy boots. I thought it would be fine, and it was, other than the almost blisters I was working on. I went about 10 miles before the dune buggy came and got me.
I really had the best of both worlds. I only walked if I wanted to, I slept in an RV and could shower whenever I could fit it in. Not to mention I wasn't restricted as to what goodies I could bring. They were only allowed what we provided for them. It was really great getting to know so many new people and of course, spending time with the ones I already loved. The first night it was so windy we had trouble keeping the grills lit so making dinner was a little tricky. Now, cooking for 450 people is tricky all in itself, but this made it really challenging.
After dinner, they took us on a "trail of testimonies" where we listened to "people from the past" tell us their stories of how they found the church and why they loved the Book of Mormon. It would have been really great if we weren't all so tired.
The next day we trekked only about 9 miles. I walked about 6 of those. This day they had activities along the trail for them. One of which was a huge hill to go down. That took a lot of teamwork and faith to get down. Then they had a spot where just the boys pulled and they had bricks and buckets dragging behind them in the sand. This was supposed to represent being weighted down by sin. Then they had a pull for the women. We got to go up a hill, down a hill and back up a hill...a little more trying than what they boys did. The boys were only allowed to walk beside, but not help. It was hard! Lots of us went back and forth helping each cart get up and down so it made it easier.
When they pulled into camp that night, they were setting up tents and found lots of scorpions. The adults tried to keep it from the kids so no one panicked. Not one sting! They also had a hair washing station where you could have someone wash your hair for you. That was quite nice for many. Obviously I'll stick with dirty crunchy hair!
The next morning they loaded up their carts like they were heading out only they didn't do any more pulling. After a yummy breakfast, the kids were treated to all sorts of games and activities. A fun ending to an amazing trip! There was so much learned from this, both physically and spiritually. The kids absolutely loved it and are hoping for another opportunity. I'm so proud of the good attitudes they kept as the temps got to 90 and the miles were long. Glade playing horseshoes with the Bishop
a tire was found laying around so some genius boys began rolling each other down the hill in it. This happened to be a brave little girl.
Of course, rifle shooting was one of the favs.
Hatchet throwing came in a close second. This is Nick giving it a whirl...literally.
Whitley trying..
Getting up the hill for the women's pull
Velora and I were in the lead yoke going up. I kept tripping on my skirt..yikes!
Waiting to go up the hill
Pioneer boys taking a break
While the boys did their pull, they gathered the girls and talked to them about what kind of boys they should be looking for.
Boys pulling through the sand
This was the hill we had to get down. It was really steep.
Whitley was part of a musical number the first morning.
This is camp the first night. Some set up tents, the others slept under the stars.
Food line. Sometimes we would show up with the food and find out kids were waiting in line for over an hour so they could be first.
Lunch break. Finding refuge from the sun in the shade of the carts.
Some of my best Pioneer friends.... Jake, Jenny, Alicen, Melanie and Robin
Monday, March 21, 2011
A New Adventure
I guess my life is just too dull so I decided to shake things up a bit. We have a young girl in our ward who is having a hard time making good choices and getting a long with her family right now. I have tried to reach out to her, but I wasn't aware of the specifics of their trials. I received an email from her mother relating to me some of the trouble they have experienced with her lately and asking that I keep an eye out for her at our activities.
While sitting in church on Sunday, the thought occurred to me that maybe she should come stay with us this week while the big kids are on spring break. Glade wasn't completely up for the idea, but he didn't shoot it down either. I approached her mother with the idea and later that day she called to say they would love to give it a try. That night, Glade and I went over to talk with her and her parents about what the expectations would be and what we hoped she would get out of it. We all bore testimony to her of the joy she can find by living a clean life and following in the ways of the Savior. It kind of felt like talking to a brick wall, but she said she wanted to come.
Because she is doing so poorly in school, she is at school during the day trying to get things done that will help her pull her grades up. Today was our first day together and, for the most part, it went well. Unfortunately, she and Nick have had a little "thing" here and there so having him here was not a good thing. I had predicted that would happen, so I made arrangements for him to spend the nights with a friend in the ward. Hopefully this boy can be a good influence on Nick as well. It's a little awkward for her to be here, but she is cheerful and cooperative so at least it's not a battle. Her mom texted me this evening and told me she hadn't seen her as happy and positive as she had been this last 24 hours in a very long time and how grateful she was we were doing this.
I don't know that we can make a difference, but I'm just hoping that pulling her out of the contentious home situation and away from her friends that don't help her do what is right, will give her an opportunity to feel the Spirit. To spend time with Whitley and see that being good can still be fun and that it comes with happiness and freedom. I would like to think it was an inspired idea, but part of me thinks it was just a hairbrained one. Whatever the case, she's here now and we pray that we can help her get back on the right track. She is truly a beautiful girl with so much potential for goodness..now if only she could see it.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Preview to the Trek
I wish I had the time to fully report on the trek, but there's so much and it's still too fresh to write it all out. The days went by so fast! I was away from technology for three days and didn't even think about it. It was so great to be with people I love and to actually be interacting in a personal way. I made so many new friends and was reminded of how much I love my old ones. My kids are amazing and it was great watching them from afar. We were tired and dirty and definitely ready for my own bed, but it was a bittersweet ending to come home. It's truly a different spirit and to leave that environment was a little sad. I have posted all 300 pictures I took on www.photobucket.com , the log in is santanpark with the same for the password. Here are just a few of my family. So many great experiences!! I'm blessed for having been a part of it.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I'm in Love
Today I realized I'm in love. I'm not talking about my fabulous other half, I realized that a long time ago. This is something different. I was rummaging around on the floor of my closet when this epiphany came to me. As I was looking around for whatever it was I was looking for, something caught my eye. Now, I have some pretty cute shoes so things catching my eye on the closet floor would not be that amazing. But, this didn't just catch my eye, I had to double take...and then linger... My heart quickened a little and I got a sort of "protective" feeling about me. There was an unspoken bond that was evident, a friendship with secrets and experiences only the two of us knew about. How is it that such affection can occur when I see these...I guess I truly love running. I'm a passionate person... I love hard and I fight hard. My relationship with running is no different. Some days are tough, but other days.... it's like nothing I ever do makes me feel as strong and competent as does a good run.
Me + Running = Happy
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Betsy's Pouch
Let me tell you a story.
Once there was a sweet little kangaroo named Betsy. Betsy had a full life and was very much happy with everything she was blessed with. As Betsy grew and began to mingle with the other roo's, she began to notice that her pouch was just a bit smaller than normal. This was not much of an issue to her because thus far her pouch had been very useful and provided her with everything she had needed from it. Sometimes she would be a little envious that she couldn't carry as much as some of the other roo's, but she made do and didn't give it much thought.
One day a big new trampoline company came to town and wanted to use the kangaroos to do a little advertising for them. Everyone was excited to get to participate in the little adventure. They all lined up to see what it was they were going to get to do. The company handed out beautiful sparkly signs for the roo's to put on their pouches. When Betsy got her sign, it was quite smaller than some of the others that were handed out. That's OK, she thought, it fits my pouch perfectly. She adorned her sign and went about hopping through the village. She thought it so beautiful how the signs shimmered and sparkled! Then she caught a glimpse of herself in a nearby window....her sign could barely be seen. She tried standing a little taller and maybe puffing out her little pouch, but nothing seemed to help. Her sign was barely noticeable.
Betsy was now discontented with her little pouch. I want my beautiful sparkly sign to be seen just like the other roo's. Why does my pouch have to be so small?? Betsy spent a little too much time thinking on this and it made her sad. She tried really hard to remember how useful and good her pouch had always been for her and how she should be grateful she has one, but it was hard. Sometimes a girl wants her sign to shimmer and sparkle as well!
It's a very curious question...why are some pouches bigger than others?
Spring Break
This weekend was filled with play practice and not a lot else. I guess that's not entirely true because Friday night we helped pull pork for the Trek and went to dinner with fellow pullers afterward and then Saturday after practice, we went to dinner and a movie with the Garrs. We saw the Adjustment Bureau, it was good!
Monday I got out bright and early to1) get a run in for the first time since the Ragnar. I was actually pleased with myself. I only went three miles, but ran the whole thing and in 9:53 min/miles. I thought that was pretty good for not having run in 2 weeks! 2) go fetch my phone from the library that got left on Saturday and 3) shop for my purse! I actually had to get the rest of the stuff for the kids Trek necessities and then went to Kohls and found a very cute "plumberry" purse. We had play practice that night (and every night this week) then Jenny came over to watch the big finale with me. What a disappointment. I'm only going to say this - He shoulda picked Chantel. Yes, I know he loves Emily, but it was evident (at least to me) that she was not ready to make that committment. Now everyone is unhappy. *sigh*
Today I decided the kids needed to get out and do something, so we headed to the movies. On the way there, I realized...no one was even excited about the movie they were seeing, they just wanted out of the house. We all agreed to grab a Costco pizza and go to the park instead. We stopped by Wal Mart and picked up some cheapy toys: bubbles, frisbee, big ball etc. first and then spent an hour or so at the park. While there, a man about Glade's age had a heart attack and had to be airevac-ed out. So the kids got to watch a helicopter land right there in the park and I got to, again, be so grateful my family is intact and happy for the moment. It got really hot so we loaded up and came home.
Tonight we have play practice again and the kids have mutual where they meet their "families" for the Trek. Glade and I leave tomorrow night after practice to head out as the cooks and the kids leave early Thursday morning. We are all very excited to have this experience and then to also have it together. I'm not sure I blogged about last weeks mutual when we did the Virginia Reel, but it was a huge success. The kids all looked so cute in their pioneer clothes and everyone seemed to have a great time doing the dance. Stephen said it was the most fun he's had in a long time. I'm sure there will be lots to report on when we return!
Monday, March 14, 2011
The World Today
I thought I should blog a little about what's going on in the world today. I'm awful at watching the news, I used to be a news junkie but I never tune in anymore. If it weren't for FaceBook, I wouldn't know anything. A few days ago, Japan had an 8.9 earthquake hit, then as a ripple effect of that, was hit with devastating Tsunamis. The videos and images are just unreal. When the scriptures talk about whole cities being swallowed up in the earth, they aren't exaggerating. It's hard to sit here in my comfortable home, eating a little snack...enjoying my cute new purse...and imagine what those across the sea are doing at this moment. I know there's not a lot I can actually do, but it still feels awful. Absolutely unbelievable.
Friday, as I was getting my kids out of school early (cuz I'm a nice mom like that) and as we enjoyed some Costco pizza, a mother in a nearby neighborhood was getting the news that her 11 year old had died while at school. He had a heart condition and I guess it was just his time. I was relishing in the "happy familiness" we were experiencing while someone else was just crushed with hers being torn apart. It's one thing when tragedy is far away to people somewhere else, but it's different when it's within walking distance.
Today I paid $3.50 for a gallon of gas. Ouch!! I don't know if it's going to keep going up now that there's so much devastation in Japan or not, but it's never been this high. Tomatoes are scarce due to inclement weather somewhere as well. Food prices are definitely higher than I can remember them being. It's scary to see things coming to pass that we only ever talk about. At the same time, it's comforting to know that "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear". I'm sure life has it's challenges ahead for us/me, but I'm hoping that all we are doing day in and day out will help us be as prepared as possible to face them with courage and faith. For now, I will be grateful we are doing as well as we are, that we have our health and a comfy place to lay our heads at night. One can never be sure if tomorrow will provide the same things.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
You Can't Stop the Beat
We are having play practice a little more regularly and starting next week, every night but Friday. Other than leaving my family for that long every night, which makes me very uncomfortable, it's actually quite fun. The dances are coming a little more easily without so much thought now, but boy are the personalities coming out as well. We have a few women who have labeled themselves as the "dancer" of the group. Most of us have had some experience but there are a few who believe they are a little more "experienced" than the rest and should therefore take command. I will admit to having a strong personality in that area as well, but I'm not quite comfortable enough with this group to be that person. It's interesting to watch each person's contributions and frustration when they are not being followed or are being contradicted. Very amusing I must say. After doing a little combination, another girl did it after me showing me the right way. I'm pretty sure I did exactly as she did so I nicely said "didn't I just do that same thing?" She gently replied with her head tilted to the side "just do the best you can." Rude!! This same girl offered to run lines with Glade...excuse me? Anyway, it's definitely a new experience.
It's also impossible to not have all those songs in your head all day. I'm sure my family is tired of hearing " hey mama..welcome to the sixties...oh oh oh oh ohohoh" The kids are all so fun to watch and Glade is finally figuring out his character and how it all works. I'm glad we all decided to do it together. We haven't actually spent a whole lot of time together while rehearsing, but it's still been good. Whitley and I even get to do a mother/daughter dance together. I don't think we could do it every year, it's been very consuming..but every once in a while is probably doable. "you can't stop the beeeeeaaaatttt!!!!!"
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Retail Therapy
So sometimes crazy driving is worth the ride. That would be when you go to Kohl's to find a really cute purse. Well, I didn't find one that screamed at me, but I did find a couple of super cute shirts and a skirt I just love. Take 30% off my entire purchase and give me $10 Kohl's cash and I come home happy!! Now...what to do about a cute purse....
You "Drive" Me Crazy..
I think I've taken a leave of absence from my life. Well, actually I want to, but things keep making me be participatory. I seriously just want to stay in my jammies all day and do nothing. I don't even mind being productive at home, I just don't want to go anywhere. I'm sure it's just my negative attitude, but it seems like every time I leave the house, stupid people follow me!! I've never been a very patient person, so getting from here to there is always a challenge to my mood. Throw in some really crazy people and BAM! grouchy.
I must tell my story of today. I need to drop off my water bill (it's less than a mile from my house, seems silly to use a stamp) and go to the bank. I decide that the Wal Mart south of me would be a quicker route since I had no other real errands. My bank is inside Wal Mart. So off I go....slowly....really slowly...about 4 mph under the speed limit. It's even worse that the car in front of me is big enough to completely block my view so I can't even see the turtle who's holding me up. Eventually we get to the light and it's red, of course, and the turtle gets to turn right. The car in front of me doesn't so I wait...an eternity...for it to go green again. I was trying to be positive by thinking that this was giving the turtle ample time to get far ahead of me. I go to turn right and there is a truck in the lane facing me! Somehow, he has misread the construction signs and is sitting facing the wrong way in the only lane that lets me through. I have to back up and go straight, which leads to nowhere. I get myself out of the intersection and flip a U-ie. By this time other cars are trying to turn as well but are also restricted by this guy who either doesn't seem to notice or doesn't really care that he's going the WRONG direction. Now there are 3 cars in the intersection, no one knowing what to do. The guy finally inches over into the appropriate lane and the other cars pass by freely. I, on the other hand, am now stuck on the other side with a red light. This particular intersection has a really long green light going one way and a really short one going my way. (remember the road goes nowhere) As I sit watching all the people going, my level of impatience grows. The one direction has had a green arrow for quite some time, the road has cleared and now no one is going anywhere. I make the quick decision and off I go. Yes, I turned left on a red light. Sorry Mom, I couldn't help it. The 8 minutes at this intersection had now done me in. So much for a quick trip.
The rest of the day was much better, but somehow I need to figure out that whole time continuum thing that will send me through a swirly hole and get me where I need to be without having to mingle with other drivers. Yes, I know I probably fall under the category of "crazy drivers" but in my defense....they make me that way!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Rhett's Birthday
I just realized I hadn't blogged Rhett's 13th birthday. It was quite uneventful but that doesn't make it any less special. Him turning 13 makes 5 teenagers for me!! His birthday was on a Saturday, but as always, play practice all day and then there was something that night. We gave him his gifts a day early and his cake a day late. Because his Saturdays are taken until April, he decided to forgo a birthday party and take the cash instead. That's a deal I offer the ones big enough to not care too much about parties. He really is a great kid and has grown leaps and bounds the last few years. He does great in school, he's an amazing runner and dancer and is so sweet to have around. Happy Birthday Rhett!I can't even begin to imagine what he's thinking about as far as a wish goes!
Monday, March 7, 2011
My Party
All I wanted for my birthday (other than sparkly flip flops) was to have a pizza party with all my friends. I got exactly what I wanted. There were only a few missing faces that kept it from being complete. Glade said he was willing to do all the planning, but when a girl knows....
I also bought 3 delicious cakes! I didn't spare any expense on the big chocolate one. After all, it's my birthday! I invited Whitley to come so she could be my official photographer so I could just have fun and not worry about it. She did a great job. I had so many pictures, it was hard to narrow it down to just a few. My games night friends brought me some pretty great stuff. All the "old person" necessities, including these babies -Sexy, eh? Not only were they hot on me...
But they worked for both of us!!
We had so much pizza, my kids were ecstatic when I brought home 5+ pizzas. We played the white elephant gift dice game as well. I brought all the gifts, which made it fun for me. One of my favorites is this -
Alan wore them with style!
I went home with the chocolate I brought so I wouldn't have it at home to eat. Very smart, I know. I love that Leslie came solo because her hubby was in a choir thing. Love you Les!
Kurt was obviously thrilled with his gift. I thought the fly swatter was so cute, I bought myself one!
After the end of the game, we played "let's make a deal". Tiffany decided she would chance losing her half used bottle of glucosamine to pick something else. She got golf balls!! They would come in handy later.
Melanie wasn't that thrilled with her double value pack of expired mustard either, so she traded in too. She ended up with my Prairie Christmas book.
Do I look like I'm practicing for my "rich shopper" part in Hairspray?? Glade says I'm a natural.
We managed to get a little dancing in. The crowd was not an enthusiastic one so we did a few line dances and the rest was sparse.
Glade jammin' out on the electric (invisible) guitar. He was about the only guy up dancing.
Even mom came and got her groove on. Go Mom!!
Glade and I couldn't help but to reenact our wedding dance..yes...it's the running man side to side. Very classy.
Then there was a lot of this. I didn't mind at all, I just wanted to have a chill night of hanging with friends. I love my friends!!
We had to get in at least one slow dance. I'm proud to say I think all the men got up for this one.
Enter golf balls....the guys who didn't want to dance (all) set up a little course and were trying to roll the ball through chair legs, into empty boxes, etc. It was almost like a Jr. High dance with boys totally uninterested and girls bopping in groups all alone. So fun.
Whitley conked out on me. I wondered where she was when there was a prime photo op and this is what we found. I guess this might label my party a snoozer?? Thanks Whitley!!
My birthday was more wonderful than I had expected. The only last missing link is the cute new purse I still need to shop for! (compliments of Jo and Dad) Thanks friends, for a great couple of days! (that includes you mom Ü)
Oh the Emotion
What a day yesterday was! The morning went really slow but we did get to Skype with Chelsey so that was a nice little twist to a pretty uneventful Sunday. Church was amazing. Some Sundays are just better than others. Today was a big cry fest. Our Bishop got released, they are moving to Colorado. Their whole family is just truly wonderful and they will be very missed. Ever since I found out he would be leaving, I've been drawn to Bro. Farr. The same thing happened when we moved into the ward and Bishop Carrol was not yet our Bishop, but I felt like he was. Sure enough, it's now Bishop Farr. I love that the Lord provides those little insights for us. Along with Bishop Farr, Brother Walker (who I totally called) and Brother Clare were called as his counselors. What an emotional meeting hearing them all bear testimony.
Katy gave her first talk in Primary today. She looked so tiny and small walking up to that big podium. She is not normally shy, but she sure looked a little uncertain today. I helped her through it and she did GREAT! I was so proud of her. As we talked about it later, she commented that not everyone listened. Even a 4 year old notices when people aren't paying attention when they should be.
Then we went to Young Womens and I heard news I was not at all happy about. More on that another day. But that teared me up before the lesson even began. Then one of my very best friends started telling the story of how they adopted their oldest daughter. She told the story as if "a couple" had experienced it, but I knew immediately she was talking about herself and it was very sweet and emotional. So I cried intermittently through her whole lesson on Eternal Families.
What a blessing the Gospel is! What wonderful people I'm surrounded by day in and day out! How great it is to know my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me! Truly truly blessed.
We ended the evening at the Smith's for Sunday dinner. Cake, cake and more cake! Today is ViEtta's birthday so between my left over cake and her new cakes, we had a lot of cake! What a really awesome day.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Happy 40th Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Me!! Today was my 40th birthday. I really expected it to be sort of a "non" birthday because we had a lot going on so I planned a party for myself the next night. Well I was very wrong. The whole day was filled with birthday! Right off the bat I opened my email to over 30 birthday wishes from FaceBook. That went on all day long, so fun.
Glade littered our yard with these nasty little signs saying I'm old as dirt! Ok, so there were a few nice ones in there as well!Then the big kids had this little set up at the kitchen table.
When I went to leave, I found this card from my hubby on the seat of my car.
I went to lunch at Arriba's with mom, so yummy! Ate way too much.
After picking my kids up, I came home and found this. Thanks Jenny and Alicen!!
They even included Jack in the celebration! He wouldn't let me keep it on him very long.
Alicen came over and visited and brought me this pretty little flower and a very yummy bag of Andes, my favorite!
When Shelli came to get my kids, she left this on my door step and the adorable little picks in my yard.
As the afternoon went on, a truck pulled up and left these oh so wonderful flowers from my sister, Sherri. I love love love the colors!
I ended the night at play practice. This was not a bad thing, I love being in the play!
Me as a prisoner in The Big Doll House.
My day was full from beginning to end and I loved it all. It was just one more reminder of all the wonderful people in my life!