Monday, July 21, 2008

Thanks for Being Born

Today was a busy but good day. Happy Birthday to Amy and Sherry! My FIL Steve's birthday was yesterday. We have a great family tradition of going out to lunch for birthdays. Today we went to BJ's. It was my first time and it was pretty good. I have to say there wasn't much that would fit into a healthy diet. I'm positive the pazookie I ate wasn't on the plan! I woke up with every intention to get to the gym. I had gotten my clothes out and everything. Then the eye place called and said Nick's glasses were ready. The timing of everything was not working out for me to get stuff done, get to the gym and be to lunch by noon. I didn't make it to the gym. I was a little sad today, I was really feeling it. Another day.
While waiting to leave today, I was searching online for a backpack for Chelsey. She doesn't want the kind with lots of pockets and pouches. Just a plain ol' backpack. I found several that were $25 or $30 or more, but that is out of my common sense range. This is a funny story because one of my more irritating experiences was being in Tilly's one day and watching a mom and her two girls of about 8 and 10. She pointed to the wall and said "pick a backpack, whatever you want". My irritation was because she could have done the same thing at Wal-Mart and they would have found something they totally loved and would have cost her 1/4 of what she paid. I hate parents who from very young teach their kids that they have to have expensive things with certain names on them. Sorry if I offended anyone. So to make a long story short, I joke about people who buy backpacks from Tilly's. Wellllll, in showing Chelsey how expensive they were, I had windows with 3 different online stores up. I was going through and explaining that what she wants isn't cheap. She was scrolling down Tilly's selection and commenting how ugly they were and not worth that much money when all of the sudden.....clearance. There was a super cute pink and white plaid backpack just like she wanted for $14.97. Guess who bought a backpack from Tilly's??
After a very big lunch, I raced home and picked up Whitley to take her to registration. We got there and her schedule was a mess. She was still in AVID which they told us they had taken her out..NOT. She was also scheduled to be in Men's Choir and Advanced Aerobics. Two very odd selections for Whitley. We went to the counselor and they got her out of all three. She is now in Girl's Choir, Spanish, and Honors Biology. She has a tough schedule this year. Luckily she is in many classes with her good friends. That eased her mind quite a bit about starting high school. The cherry on top - while waiting in line, I started talking to the woman behind us. They just moved here 3 days ago from Kansas. She had a boy Whitley's age. She also has a girl that will be starting Payne. I probably haven't mentioned this, but I volunteered to be the VP of the PTO at Payne. There are only 2 other people on the whole committee. I decided to help out. I mentioned it to her and now she is going to be on it as well. I have also recruited two other people which makes a board of 6! It's tripled - crazy.
FHE - We ARE a family and we WERE home. During our very thrown together dinner, it started raining really hard. Of course - "can we play in the rain???" Out they went. They were playing so nice together (quite a switch) that I couldn't bear to bring them in. They stayed outside for about an hour. It was great. So though there was no official gathering, song or prayer, it was one of the more peaceful and pleasant evenings we've had in a long time!


Camille said...

K, don't judge me, but I've always prided myself on bargain shopping--until this year. As I was reading your feelings on Tillys, I was feeling some guilt (but for only a second) that I bought like 6 shirts there on Monday, and only one was on sale. Sometimes taking your kids shopping and paying therapy bills afterwards is much more expensive than just paying regular price for a shirt now and then. Was glad to see you did buy the backpack! lol

Lulu said...

haha- Jason and I have had this conversation regularly... If you have the money do you buy the more expensive whatever it is? I am with you all the way... well, most of the way cuz, sometimes I like nice things... And woo hoo to you for being VP!!

Heather said...

hey I agree with you shopping technique. Let me know if you need help with PTO, I can't do alot but I know my little bit may help.