Sunday, July 20, 2008

When there's nothing to do - eat cinnamon

Sometimes when there's a large group of people and not enough to do, weird things happen. It started with a conversation about things people have seen on YouTube. We tried making popcorn pop with cell phones, that didn't work. That's when the cinnamon controversy began. Chelsey has a friend who tried it and is on YouTube. Nick said he would give it a whirl. This video is the result of that experiment. Nick is first and then there is a little down time, wait through it because Stephen is after that and it's definitely worth watching. I wish I had had control of the videoing. I won't say who did, but you miss some of the best parts! Anyway, have a look...

Some other funny tidbits of the day- Bo was standing at the top of the stairs and yelled "Hey! Smell my muscles!" What he meant was: Stephen put deodorant on him and he wanted us to know how good his armpits (muscles) smelled.

At church, a lady (who used to be our primary chorister) was giving a talk and was telling the story of the ant and the grasshopper. The theme was being prepared. In the middle of her story, she posed the question, do you think that the ant closed it's door to the grasshopper? Rhett pipes up and says "Yeah!" Then realizes he is in sacrament and says "oops". Hey, at least he was listening!

During our primary class, which is made up of all boys, my sweet little daughter starts ripping some loud, juicy ones. (Sorry for the graphics) As you can imagine, the boys thought that was soooo funny. Their laughter spawned her laughing this devil laugh she has. We finally got them settled back down and she did it again. I was crying I was laughing so hard. Good example, huh? I decided to take her out. We walked around for awhile so she could finish if she needed to. After a few minutes, I took her in and changed her. We went back to class where they were so reverently listening to my partner talk about sharing the gospel. She did it again! At this point I just decided to remove her for good. To dad she went! I felt so bad for Cyndi, the boys were actually listening and being good and Katy kept ruining it. Sorry Cyndi! I'm happy to say this was her last week NOT in nursery. Yeah for 18 months!

It wasn't a dull Sunday to say the least!


Unknown said...

Ok, so they just ate cinnamon straight? Wow, sounds like a scout pranks to me!

gena said...

What a fun Sunday! I am surprised Brydon didn't tell me about that:)