Thursday, July 31, 2008

Nuggets for 10, Africanized Tarantula,and Mall Madness

The last two days have been a little crazy. Yesterday, I planned to stay home all day, which I did, mostly. It worked out really well because we had to have a planning meeting for our awards dinner. I had also volunteered to babysit for a girl I visit teach so she could go school shopping. Whereas it was all good, it was a madhouse! I had my 5 and 5 extras all 6 and under. Two were babies of the girls I was meeting with so I wasn't the only adult, but we were busy which left them kinda "free reign". It was so noisy! I had gotten stuff out to do some crafts thinking that would buy me a little settled down time. It did - about 10 min. Then I was just left with a table and floor full of cut up gluey scraps. It got to be about lunch time so Brooklyn decided to make DinoNuggets for everyone. She did a really good job, but what a mess. It was quite humorous and I think everyone had a good time so what the heck. It didn't take too long to get my house back to livable and then I tried to take a nap, yeah, that didn't happen. I got up to fix dinner (exactly according to the menu) when Chelsey said I was carpooler for her trip to troupe practice. There were 5 on the way there. They are older and well behaved, but I was about to go nuts with the noise. I couldn't get them out fast enough. If you know me at all, you know I REALLY need my quiet, down time. Haven't had much of that so I'm a little anxious. I was supposed to go hang out at my mom's while Glade did some "honey do's" for her when all of a sudden - Brilliant! "Mom, wouldn't you just love to have a sleep over with my kids tonight??" She is the best mom ever and said "sure". I love her. I packed em up, drove em over and came home to my mostly empty house (still had school kids and a baby). I got things settled and went to bed! Now for the creepy part. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I turned on the light, something black scurried into my closet and disappeared. Now, it was small for a mouse but very large for anything else. And it was black, not gray. I did a little poking around to see if I could find it, but no luck. Try to go back to sleep now!! I'm pretty sure it must have been an Africanized tarantula. That or some kind of alien pest. Either way, I haven't been in my closet since. I stood at the edge and stretched to get my clothes. I'm so grossed out!
After a very creepy night with crazy, buggy dreams. I got around and headed to pick up my kids. Today is movie day and my mom always comes with us. The movie actually turned out cute much to my surprise. Katy was a terror. This was our last one, so that trip is now done for the summer. I thought maybe a little "mall therapy" would do me good. I don't know why my mom didn't give me a thunk on the head and say "what are you thinking?" Taking 6 kids to the mall the week before most schools start was a little crazy. They didn't do too bad, but it was very crowded and it certainly wasn't the therapy I was looking for! We didn't stay long, got what we needed, had lunch and went home. Today was registration for my littler ones so I got to go fill out all the info cards, that's always fun. Got my kids AIMS test results. They did really well, I was kinda surprised. Two of them even exceeded in Math. Amazing. Had a little nap (still creeped out being in my room) then headed to the gym. I haven't lost any weight in the last couple weeks, but I haven't gained either so I guess that's good. The boys are out doing the yard. The movie today inspired me to try the garden again this year. I'm going to get it ready so its planted on time and hopefully we can be successful. I really need to go shower, but then I would have to go into the closet. Hmmmmm, big dilemma.


Camille said...

What the heck is in your closet?!?! I could hardly focus on the rest of your post once I read that, and I just kept reading for you to tell me what was in there. lol

Heather said...

ok you can keep the tarantula thing on your end of Grapefruit Dr. I have had big spiders but nothing like that. Yikers! I will come help you find it and kill it with you if you would like.

Windi Hesler said...

I couldn't, wouldn't, most definately horrifyingly scared to death about going to sleep in your house. I can't believe you got any sleep at all after seeing something black scurry across the floor into your closet. Then to take a nap the same day. Man, you my cousin are a brave, brave soul. If that whatever thing that was scurrying across your floor turns out to be a tarantula, OH MY GOODNESS! I would be moving.

gena said...

My dad just caught one for my boys and we will have it at our house for a day or so before my sister takes it for her science class pet:) They aren't so bad, just look a litle frieky:)