Monday, July 14, 2008

Up Way too Early

Why is it that during the summer when I have the opportunity to sleep in, I'm awake by 5:30 or 6 everyday??? My house is silent so I decided to blog. Today is Chelsey's 16th birthday. She has been counting down for sooo long. Last night I decided to give her gift to her early. I'm the worst at waiting! Glade was totally opposed, but I got her a cell phone. I hope I don't regret it. It's a prepaid so she can pay for it and get a feel for how fast minutes are used up and hopefully become a more responsible user. I have heard WAY too many stories of kids going over their minutes by a couple hundred dollars. She was so excited! She kept saying "it's so pretty!". (it's just a plain gray Razor) She was cute. She starts her job, FINALLY, today. What a wasted summer on that front. On Friday, we went to get her permit, but she failed the test. I felt bad for her. We may go again today and see if she can do better. She is having her party on Thursday. I was very proud of her for keeping it low key, mostly.

A few tidbits on the other children:

Katy - She is not quite 18 months and she tells me "poop" almost every time she goes! How amazing would it be to have her potty trained by 2?? At church yesterday, she kept pointing and "uhh"ing. I mostly ignored her, so she got down and got a diaper out of the bag and held it up to me. Crazy.

Bo- He has the best nursery teachers ever. He was just wandering around yesterday singing "Follow the Prophet" and all of a sudden I hear him start to quote the First Article of Faith. I said "How do you know that?" He said from nursery. I love the Claytons, they do a wonderful job in there.

Whitley - She went to her first Stake Dance on Saturday. She was a little nervous since she had never danced with a boy before. (which is impressive since I let her go to all her school dances, under the stipulation she not dance with boys) I danced around the kitchen a little with her telling her what things she could talk about and how to not look bored or uncomfortable. She had a really good time and only danced with one boy. My babies are getting so big!

Nick - This will seem small and simple, but Sunday afternoon, I went out on the front porch to watch the rain and he followed me out there. He stayed and chatted with me the whole time. I had to go in and check on dinner and then went out back to see the rain some more and he followed me everywhere. This is NOT typical for Nick. It was nice to just have normal chit chat with him.

Last totally random tidbit - I came across a link about Deanna (the bachelorette) and found out that she and Jesse have created a website to track their life together. I always wonder what becomes of them and now I can find out! If anyone is interested, it's
there's not a whole lot there, but anyways....

Sunday Dinner

Dinner was crazy and fun last night. It was kind of small gathering, but it was SO noisy. It rained for awhile so lots of the kids got wet. They mostly played outside since it was so nice. The adults and some of the kids played games and it was fun to just play and be silly. Again, it was SO noisy! Derrick and Sydney stayed the night, that makes 4 times this week for Derrick and 2 for Sydney. It's nice to have them around. Anytime I get mopey about unimportant stuff, I can always come back to how blessed I am with friends and family!


gena said...

Wow! a 16 year old?!! Are you a little nervous for the dating scene? She's a good girl so you're probably safe:)

Lulu said...

Ok, wow, Happy Birthday Chelsea!! You have a dater! And tell her not to feel too bad, I failed my test twice!

And I love that you 'prep' danced Whitley in your kitchen. You are a great mom!

Kathy said...

I agree! Sunday was very LOUD, but we had a great always. I loved that game, maybe with not as many people so that it's not as loud?? Maybe just take me and Joe out and it wouldn't be so loud. =)