Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Clothes, Malls, Lunch and Water!

Today started with the task of going through everyone's clothes to make sure we had everything we needed for school. Yuck! This also means I have to actually go IN to their rooms, not a good thing. Needless to say there was some clearing out that went on! Most of them had way more clothes than I even knew about. My question "Why do you never wear these??" I see them in the same stained up, chewed on, holey shirts day in and day out. Up in their closets, perfectly nice shirts, some still with tags. Nick was the worst. He has just about dethroned Chelsey as psycho weird kid with absolutely no good reason for why he won't wear something. These are the things I heard: "uh-uh-uh" "it's kinda red" "the pockets feel funny" "just not to school" and again "uh-uh-uh". Sigh again! He is definitely off the list of kids I will buy things for when they are not with me. So I put a bunch of really cool shirts up for Rhett next year. He's the best - "I'll wear that."
After realizing they all have way too many clothes, and now having nice clean rooms, we decided to go to lunch. Tuesdays are our go out to lunch day. Gets us out of the house. No one could agree on where to go so Chelsey with her brilliant mind suggests we go to the mall where there are lots of options. Everyone thought that sounded fun. We decided to go to the outdoor mall that was close by. I know, OUTDOOR in AZ?? Anyway, we ate pizza and Panda and then did a little exploring. I knew they had a water play area but I didn't tell anyone. I did bring towels though. I was surprised not many wanted to play. Whitley, Rhett, Brooklyn and Dalin all went and spent the whole time looking in Build a Bear. Stephen and Nick went to a few of the "cool" stores and looked around. Bo and Katy loved the water area. Chelsey and I sat and watched them play. Katy wasn't sure at first, but then she really liked it. Bo was crazy, of course. Eventually Brooklyn came and played too. Nick and Stephen would come back every so often and say "We have a deal..." "Give us $10 and...." My standard answer "no!" Here are a few pictures of our afternoon.

Katy first discovering the water

"come on, the water's fine!"

Yes, it's the Smith butt crack

Bathing Beauty Brooklyn

I like to call this one "free bird"

This is right after one got her in the face

(embarrassed) this is Bo "peeing"

(he's not really peeing, but that's what he said...BOYS!)


Lulu said...

ha ha- I love the peeing one. I think it's funny that you never enter the 'rooms' and have just found out what is actually in there!

I had fun hip hopping with you tonight! Thanks for the invite!

Unknown said...

PEEING! ROTFL! He is such a boy, I love it! He could be in my Cub Pack any time!

Rooms seem to be a reoccurring theme around here, huh? The bain of my existance.

Kathy said...

It sounds like you had a pretty good day. They say most people wear 20% of their clothes 80% of the time. I guess that's especially true with kids...and me. =) I used to do this thing were I would put the clothes back on the same side of the closet and anything that never made it to that side in 6 months had to be given away. The idea was to wear things so that I wouldn't have to give them away, but I started cheating by trying things on and putting them back on the "good" side...I gave up on myself.

gena said...

Cute pics! Love the peeing:) My kids are the same way with their clothes so I just throw out anything with holes so they have to wear the nicer ones. It doesnt' work quite as well with trenton.

Camille said...

I love free bird.