Thursday, July 17, 2008

Man I'm cranky

Ok, no one is really interested in my woes, but I feel like whining, so there! First let me say, I LOVE my kids and they are really really great. Second, some of them may not live to see the weekend! Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he took away our knowledge, thus requiring us to go to school, thus allowing the parents time to regroup so no bodily harm comes to any of His precious children! I don't know who is presently living in my home, but it's not the children I raised. I didn't raise kids who eat with their hands and stuff garbage under the cushions. I didn't raise kids that lie and sneak and flick their baby brother just for the fun of it. I didn't raise kids who on the way to a movie whine and complain about having to SHARE a popcorn. These are not the wonderful, sweet children I have been teaching. I want them back! I'm hoping that they are away on a fun vacation and will come replace these nasty little clone people soon. Whew....Ok, so they aren't THAT bad, but.....

Tonight is Chelsey's party. The one she did so well at keeping low key. Yeah, she went from "about 22" to "did I mention I invited 35?" I said "i hope you you're not that hungry cuz I only got food for 20!" That girl. We are on our way to the school to get her schedule and all that good stuff. Another crazy day driving out in the heat. I would way rather be napping! I'll have some good pictures to post tomorrow.

Thanks for the inspiration Camille: "Thou shalt not kill". It's been helpful!


Unknown said...

As far as school goes, you are right in the middle of things. It could be worse, home school? On the other hand year round school wouldn't be to bad. At least then they would understand what life is like working. "Preperation for life School". I like it!

Lulu said...

oh man, countdown to school I guess! You hold down the fort better than I ever could that's for sure!