Saturday, July 12, 2008

Text Book Saturday

Today was about as textbook as you can get. Slept in a little, got everyone up and around and went to work! We worked HARD today. The girls are always assigned inside jobs cuz they don't like to get dirty or sweat. So Whitley went crazy on the kitchen! It hasn't been that sanitized...maybe ever! Chelsey woosed out and went to the gym with a friend. She's in a little trouble for neglecting her responsibilities. The boys and I popped up the trailer to get it packed back up. It was so wet inside. Obviously a leak. We also cleaned out the garage. This is a desperate and probably hopeless attempt to become a little more "bug free". We have created quite a cozy nesting place for all things creepy crawly. I HATE it! We killed: ants (lots), scorpions, roaches, and a big black widow. I'm hoping since we cleared up a lot of stuff and sprayed a lot of other stuff, it will be a little better. I have to say we are mostly lucky that they stay outside, but it's still disgusting.

Katy had her traditional day with dad. She loves loves loves riding the mower with him. If she sees him leave the house with his hat on, she freaks. It's kinda cute and of course Glade likes it.
While the boys were doing yard work, Nick dropped the gas can and gas splashed up into his eyes. We were trying to flush it out but it didn't seem to be working. Chelsey suggested using the sink sprayer, I thought that would be too harsh so I got out the bulb syringe. We were doing pretty well when Stephen walked over and said "Isn't that for sucking buggars out of a baby's nose?" Nicks face was kinda funny at that point. I assured him I had washed it out.
After a hard morning's work and a lot of sweat, we went in for lunch, but Whitley had the kitchen all blocked off. She didn't want anyone messing it up. We were nice and grilled hamburgers outside instead. I went in and laid down for an hour and then Glade, Stephen and I headed for the gym. Did an hour on the treadmill and a short arm work out. Came home and showered and now I'm in my PJs for the night! Actually I have to take Whitley to her first stake dance in a couple of hours, but I'm doing that in my PJs as well.
Date Night
Last night we went to dinner with some friends. I love my friends. We intended to go to a movie, but we always end up talking too long and miss it. We did make it to the gelato place though! Also, we ran into Tairi and the restaurant. It was fun to see her family. Did I mention I love my friends. Some make fun of this little blogging world, but I love it and I love the relationships I have from it, even it it's just a comment here and there. Blogging Rocks! And that's my weekend.


Lulu said...

Darn it! I almost called you guys to go out too! Sounds like you had a good time! Maybe next weekend? I can just picture the look on Nicks face as the realization that boogers could be on his face and is way worse than gasoline.

gena said...

Love the picture! The more kids, the more exciting life gets?! Gas in the eyes... yikes!