Monday, July 28, 2008

We're back

The thought of posting a whole vacation is daunting. So much to report and so many pictures. You will have to be patient with this because it's definitely a journal entry for me to remember our family vacation. I guess I will break it into events.

The trip to Utah
We actually left really early and the kids were fabulous in the car. All except Katy who went through three sets of clothes just getting to Flagstaff. Dang Babies! We drove straight through and got there about 2 am. We didn't have a hotel to go to so we just slept in the parking lot. On the way up, Dalin so diligently tried to write every city we drove through. His spelling was atrocious but he was very intent. When it started to get late, you could see his little head bobbing but he really wanted to stay awake the whole time. It was cute. He didn't make it!
While I was driving the last hour or so, I passed the parade floats on the freeway. It was kinda cool. They were all going about 20 mph and with a police escort. Something you don't see very often.

Our nice peaceful car ride

Dalin with his list of cities.

The Parade
The parade was long and hot. My kids were tired and frankly, quite bored. We lasted about an hour and a half before I told Glade I was done. There were a few neat floats, but really, a floats a floats a float. The one really neat thing we saw - President Monson. He was in one of the first cars. The whole time he was in front of us he was waving at the people on the other side. Chelsey ran down the street with my camera trying to get a good shot. This is actually him waving to HER. What a gal. We left and tried to get in to our room early, but we still had to wait an hour. We went to lunch with some of the family that had come for the reunion. We went to the Scone Cutter and let me tell you - not nearly as good as the scones we make!

Set up and ready for the parade!

President Monson waving at Chelsey

After checking in and having a nap, we loaded back up and went to the Conference Center for a tour. It was really neat to be there. Unfortunately, my kids found it mostly boring and were not excited to walk slowly and be quiet at this point. We tried to be patient and they really did try to be good, but we made it a short tour! We couldn't go up to the balcony because they were trying to test lighting and such for the Osmond Family Concert that was in a few hours. Oh how I would have loved to see that! After the tour, we went to dinner and back to the hotel. It's hard in Utah because the sun doesn't go down till about 9:30. I think we ate dinner after 8 every night.
Sitting in the conference center

Glade and I on the roof of the Conference Center

Got up early and headed out to Lagoon. The hotel, who we purchased our package through, had messed up everything. Not enough tickets, didn't give us the meal passes, several phone calls trying to straighten it out. It was worth it though. The meal passes alone saved us $65. It was enough food that we even had left overs to have for dinner. The kids had a great time on the rides. Amazingly, they all went on the roller coasters. Even me! There were some pretty big ones too. The water part was a little disappointing, but at least we were wet. It was 105 the day we were there. After it cooled off, we went back out to ride more rides. I went with Chelsey, Nick and Dalin on a few. We were waiting to go on one and Dalin comments "I know this one like it was my own son". Then we were waiting on another that went upside down and he didn't really want to. He had already gone on a double looped roller coaster! I asked why and he replied "I'm a little concerned about the rotation". Who is this kid and who talks like that?? I made him do it anyway and he loved it. By about 8pm Chelsey, Bo and I were done. Everyone else was still going strong. Bo didn't really enjoy most of the rides. They were either too loud or made him dizzy. For the last hour we were there, he just rode the bumper cars over and over and over. He loved it! Good for me too, I just sat on a bench and watched. All in all it was a good day. We only lost a few kids a few times and we always found them again. I didn't even take my camera with me. I was too worried about having to carry it all day with the water and everything or getting it stolen. No real biggie though, we were all separate most of the day anyway.

The Temple
Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast. Our hotel offered free breakfast everyday. It was great, not some muffins or bagels, but eggs, toast, bacon, hashbrowns. We ate good! We went to walk around the temple grounds before heading to the reunion. It wasn't too bad heat wise, there was a nice breeze. While in the Visitors Center, the kids really enjoyed all the hands on stuff. Katy was absolutely wild! We just let her run around a bit while Nick followed her. I took pictures of her being crazy and got this great action shot of her taking a little spill. She got right up and started running again. She wasn't so lucky outside. She did the same thing but ended up with a big bonk on her forehead. The kids were mostly good, but got bored quickly so we didn't see all we wanted. I know when to quit! I gave them all a penny to make a wish and took a picture of them all doing it at the same time. Cute.

Stephen being amazed that there was a Book of Mormon in Portugese

Katy's wipeout

Sitting in the Tabernacle

Outside on Temple Square

Making Wishes!

The Reunion
Everyone had gathered at a really cute little park with lots of shade! We had a potluck lunch and they did some singing and reminiscing. That wasn't too exciting for those of us who didn't really know anyone, but they all had a great time. We won the award for traveling the furthest. The kids played at the park and played washers. Everyone was really good. Bo was my struggle this day. He went through three outfits while we were there. At one point someone let me know that he was naked on the bleachers. I looked over and there he was with his feet on the top row and his hands on the row below it with his naked butt straight up in the air! I didn't get there in time to take a picture. Later, one of the little cousins came running from the park and said "Your son had a really bad accident!" I asked what kind of accident. She didn't know. I was a little panicky. "Is he bleeding?" I don't know, he's in the bathroom she says. I start taking off and I see one of Glade's cousins, she says "you might want to bring some wipes". Oh brother! He had pooped his pants and still tried to get on the potty. There was poop all over. We cleaned it up the best we could and got him changed. There was also a major water fight that took place that caused another change. ViEtta had encouraged a little soaking and when the two she was talking to said they didn't really want to get wet, she poured a glass of water on both of them and said "now you are". I'm not sure there were more than 10 people in the whole group that weren't wet. Me included - hey! I had a baby and a camera. It was really fun to watch some pretty old men and women running around half soaked. They even got ViEtta back for starting it! We stayed at the park till about 8 then went for pizza with some cousins. It was great to talk to them. We only see most these people every several years, but it's always great when we do.

Nothing like a juice box on a hot day!

Glade and Jason during the water fight

Three brothers refilling for another attack!

Jason getting held under the water spiget

Grandpa pouring water on Stephen
ViEtta drying off

Katy found someone's half eaten peach and devoured it!

Whitley and Katy finally taking a rest!

The trip home
Ahhhhh! That's how I felt. We drove for a few hours then stopped and slept for a few. I hate sleeping in the car. The rest of the day the kids were a little cranky and didn't do as well as on the way up. We couldn't find anywhere to eat for 5 hours! All canyon. The kids were hungry and some feeling a little car sick. 3 pukers. That's always fun. We were all very excited to get home. When we were really close to our house, Glade yells "who wants to go back to Utah?" They all screamed 'Yeah!" After we had unloaded and gotten a little settled, Bo asks " are we going back to Utah now?"

It really was a fun trip and I'm sure I have forgotten some good details. It all comes back to family and how blessed we are to have family who gets along and loves one another.


Heather said...

ok I would be so exhausted if I were you. I don't know how you keep up. It looks like you had a blast. My favorite picture is of your whole family at the temple, but I am going to photoshop the lady out of the back ground for you. Glad your back. See you at the gym.

gena said...

Wow, you are brave! Looks everyone had fun:) Welcome home!

Windi Hesler said...

Sounds like a great trip. Sorry I haven't commented lately on any of your blogs. Softball, softball, and more softball. But now I can finally breathe again. We are not going to Delaware because Chad's Dad and Step-Mom fly in on the same day that Kaylin's team leaves. Unfortunate timing! I am a little miffed but will get over it. Jessi and Mike are driving out there to watch her for a few days. That makes me feel a little better knowing there will be some family support there. I guess it's time for me to lift up my Momma wing and let the baby bird fly. Sigh. . . I knew this day was coming, but is there really any way to be prepared?

Leslie said...

First of all, you are looking really good! Your face looks so thin. Yay!

Pres. Monson?! That's awesome.

Your trip sounds like it was so fun. Sorry I didn't get to talk to you about it because I was complaining and then took another call. What a dorky friend I am.
xo Les.

Lulu said...

I feel like I ran through your vacation at super speed! It looks like you guys had fun